Saturday, March 26, 2011

CrazyEngineers Forum - Electrical & Electronics Engineering

CrazyEngineers Forum - Electrical & Electronics Engineering

Switched Mode Regulator And Operation Explained - Video Lecture

Posted: 25 Mar 2011 11:33 PM PDT

Lecture on Switched Mode Regulator And Operation, DC/DC converters and how to implement them. Discuss this topic with fellow electrical and electronics engineers. Share your doubts, questions, ideas on this topic in this discussion.

DIY :- Wireless Chat Using RFM70

Posted: 25 Mar 2011 10:18 PM PDT

DIY: - Do It Yourself
Wireless Data Transmission
Wireless Chat using RFM70

RFM70 is a GFSK transceiver module operating in the world wide ISM frequency band at 2400 - 2483.5 MHz. Burst mode transmission and up to 2Mbps air data rate make them suitable for applications requiring ultra low power consumption.

The embedded packet processing engines enable their full operation with a very simple MCU as a radio system. Auto re-transmission and auto acknowledge give reliable link without any MCU interference.

Block Diagram:-

Attachment 99

This is the basic Block Diagram for the project in which you have to catch the data from any device or you can use Personal Computer or Laptop to send the data for that you need to interface the Computer with the project board and here it is Serial Communication as now a days serial port are not available on Laptop you can also use USB to Serial cable and that data is given to the Microcontroller.

For the communication between Microcontroller and RFM70 module you have to use SPI protocol many controller gives the Hardware SPI but in this project we are going to use Software SPI.

Data which is received by the Microcontroller is now transffered to the RFM70 and RFM70 transmit that data in RF.

This is all about the Transmitter and for the Receiver it will do the same procedure but in reverse order first RFM70 Module collects the Data from RF and then on the request from Microcontroller via SPI Command it gives the received data to Microcontroller and the same data now also available on the other Computer or Laptop.

PS:- Once all these things are clear we will go for the Circuitry part
Attached Images

Difference Between Latches & Flip Flops?

Posted: 25 Mar 2011 10:19 AM PDT

As part of our group study initiatives, here's a topic suggested by Cranky Here:

Discuss the topic in this thread and build up a discussion on the topic. :) All the best!

GROUP STUDY:Digital and RC circuits

Posted: 25 Mar 2011 09:31 AM PDT

Well,I thought Digital and RC circuits concepts build up with more discussions.So,here we go with that thread.Any questions or concept you would like to share or clarify:happy:

Tonnage of AC

Posted: 25 Mar 2011 08:00 AM PDT

what is tonnage of AC machine? What is the diffrence between 1.5T capcity and 1.5TR capacity of a AC machine? Ton or Tonn ?

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Design of Hospital by CE'an

Posted: 25 Mar 2011 07:50 AM PDT

A hospital complex is under construction.
How you will design a substation? CE's opinion does matter.
Light+Fan load = 250 kW
AC load = 100 kW
Lift load = 40 kW
Water supply load = 25 kW
Fire fighting load = 60 kW
Compound light load = 20 kW
Please mention the following (Assume data as necessary):-

Type and rating of HT switch gear
Type and rating of transformer
Size and rating of HT & LT cable
Type and rating of LT switch gear

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Non RoHS Compliant

Posted: 25 Mar 2011 04:38 AM PDT

I have to use higher wattage CFL. In that case available products are 35/45/65/85W. But they are non RoHS compliant#. Should I use it in bulk quantity? if not then what is the alternative?

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#RoHS (Restriction of Use of Hazardous Substances)

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