Sunday, June 19, 2011

CrazyEngineers Forum

CrazyEngineers Forum

help regarding skipfish

Posted: 19 Jun 2011 01:15 PM PDT

I am 4th year compurt science student.I have to submit details about the topic "skipfish" for my seminar. Please help me by providing me the details.Hope there will be aresponse soon.

Links to the Civil Engineering Books!

Posted: 19 Jun 2011 10:46 AM PDT

Hydraulic Structures
By P.Novak, A.I.B.Moffat and C.Nalluri

Everyone is requested to spread the knowledge.

Edge Trigger Code

Posted: 19 Jun 2011 09:18 AM PDT

hi every one..

i want to make a up-down counter using 8051..
two switches are connected with UC.
one for up counting and one for down counting..
now the problem is that if i press one switch only at once it count correctly but if
switch is not released then it will not count only for count continuosly untill the switch is released.
i want to make it edge triger mean if a switch is pressed it will count when switch is released. if switch is hold for long time ,it must have to count only once...

i need c code or any algorithem ..

i m using keil c compiler..


pcb designing at home

Posted: 19 Jun 2011 06:32 AM PDT

is it possible to design a printed circuit board(pcb) at home.if yes then what are the tools required??beside pcb layout software.
please also tell about their prices.thanks in advance.

Flying Motorcycle........

Posted: 19 Jun 2011 04:44 AM PDT

Hovebike at a glance:
  • Airspeed Vne: 150 KIAS (untested)
  • Hover (out of ground effect): >10,000ft (estimated)
  • Dry weight: 110kg
  • Max gross weight: 270kg
  • Total thrust: 295kg
  • Engine: 80kw @ 7500 RPM
Hoverbike applications
  • Aerial Cattle mustering
  • Search and Rescue
  • Aerial Survey
  • Wildlife and Parks
  • Film
  • Power-line Inspection


Posted: 19 Jun 2011 04:41 AM PDT

An autogyro (from Spanish autogiro), also known as gyroplane, gyrocopter, or rotaplane, is a type of rotorcraft which uses an unpowered rotor in autorotation to develop lift, and an engine-powered propeller, similar to that of a fixed-wing aircraft, to provide thrust. While similar to a helicopter rotor in appearance, the autogyro's rotor must have air flowing through the rotor disc in order to generate rotation. Invented by the Spanish engineer Juan de la Cierva to create an aircraft that could safely fly at slow speeds, the autogyro was first flown on 9 January 1923, at Cuatro Vientos Airfield in Madrid.[1] De la Cierva's aircraft resembled the fixed-wing aircraft of the day, with a front-mounted engine and propeller in a tractor configuration to pull the aircraft through the air. Late-model autogyros patterned after Dr. Igor Bensen's designs feature a rear-mounted engine and propeller in a pusher configuration. The term Autogiro was a trademark of the Cierva Autogiro Company, and the term Gyrocopter was used by E. Burke Wilford who developed the Reiseler Kreiser feathering rotor equipped gyroplane in the first half of the twentieth century. The latter term was later adopted as a trademark by Bensen Aircraft.

Flying Hovercraft

Posted: 19 Jun 2011 04:38 AM PDT

Hovercraft in style. Powered by a 4-cylinder automotive engine, the UH-18SP is everything you'd ever want in a hovercraft. It was designed for people who love to play. For the family that gets together for fishing, skiing, cruising and all-around fun, this is your vehicle. The UH-18SP will take you places other craft have never been. Convert your UH-18SP hovercraft into the 18SPW Hoverwing™ in less than twenty minutes and fly up to 10 feet high over waves, rocks, beaches and fields in ground effect. The wings roll up and can be stored aboard the craft for easy transportation and rapid deployment. The UH-18SPW Hoverwing™ is the only ground-effect hovercraft to be released as a plan or kit. Click the links below to see the UH-18SPW in action.

One design allows you to have the choice of flying the hovercraft or Hoverwing™ at any time. The UH-18SP built as a hovercraft, can be converted at any time into the UH-18SPW Hoverwing™. Little modification is required. The wings are removable in 15 minutes and the Hoverwing™ becomes the UH-18SP hovercraft.

Universal Hovercraft's UH-18SPW can be built with 4 removable box seats and one full-length stationary seat that also serves as the lift system belt guard. For flying in ground effect, the four box seats are removed and the pilot and passenger sit on the center seat. The pilot sits in front of the forward wing spar and passengers just behind.

Flight controls consist of two movable rudders and a large elevator. A joystick gives precise control through a simple cable steering system that is designed for easy pre-flight inspections. Calm winds are ideal for the most enjoyable flying. Open the throttle and hold a slight backpressure on the stick. When the air speed indicator shows 55 mph pull back a little more. The nose begins to rise and the water starts to fall away. It feels like you are 10 feet high when the bottom of the craft is only 1 to 4 feet above the surface. Reduce power to maintain the minimum flying speed (55 - 60 mph) and try some gentle turns. A small force on the stick left or right results in a bank angle and gentle turn. Pull back on the joystick and the Hoverwing™ climbs a little higher to clear large boat wakes or debris. Fly over waves and across land without noticing any change in the smooth ride. Landing is very easy because your runway is always underneath you. You don't have to line up on the centerline, just reduce power, level the wings and you are down. Pull right out of the water and park on land. No tying up is needed.

A Mechnical Engg Project.........

Posted: 19 Jun 2011 04:32 AM PDT

What about making ALL WHEEL DRIVE motorcycle......................


Posted: 19 Jun 2011 04:28 AM PDT

Lets discuss about future in it gonna overtake oracle software market

Delhi Belly (film)

Posted: 19 Jun 2011 04:19 AM PDT

Transformer 3 worldwide relase 29th june

Posted: 19 Jun 2011 04:16 AM PDT

jvc 3d camcorder

Posted: 19 Jun 2011 03:56 AM PDT

JVC's GS-TD1 3D camcorder now available for $1,700 -- Engadget

JVC promised back at CES that its new consumer-grade GS-TD1 3D camcorder would be available in March and, well, it's now available. While that may not be a surprise, JVC has shaken things up a bit with the pricing since its official announcement -- instead of the full $2,000 that was originally expected, the camcorder will now set you back "just" $1,699.95. That will buy you a pair of 3.32 megapixel CMOS sensor that record 3D video at 1080i, a 5x optical zoom (or 10x in 2D mode), 64GB of built-in flash memory along with an SDXC card slot for expansion, and a 3.5-inch LCD that lets you view your videos 3DS-style without any glasses. Head on past the break for the complete press release.

Mech rock

Posted: 19 Jun 2011 03:39 AM PDT

i proude to be a mechanical engineer because it is the world oldest branch from the centuries of ramayana . THE total defence power of an country is fully dependent on machaniries used in wars. The rules of machanics is applied to every atom on univers from micro upto macro studies invovled in mechanical so i proud to be a mechanical engineer.

info about cdac xams

Posted: 19 Jun 2011 02:31 AM PDT

hey engizes can anyone give me any idea for how to prepare for the cdac xam so as to get admission for the course of vlsi and embedded

Try to Crack it......

Posted: 19 Jun 2011 01:50 AM PDT

A who was born in country B, established the calendar C, which is many years ahead of the calendar D (also known as E), introduced by F.

C is the official calendar of the country, G.

Identify A, B, C, D, E, F, G.........!!!!!!!!!:|

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