CrazyEngineers Forum |
- List what you Think are the Most Life Nourishing or Assisting books to read.
- Name the Band that you Truly Believe to be the BEST!!
- transmission in nano cars
- How mobile radio works with such a small antenna ?
- Converting a car to run on Waste Vegetables Oil (Burned Oil)
- How a mobile phone detect strength of signal.
- Know Your CEan - Yadavundertaker
- List ways to improve computer memory
- Plug in hybrids? or EVs? What do you prefer?
- Rise in fuel prices justified?
- Antimater to reveal self: AMS sending data
- Android Application Development Project Ideas
- Is anyone using the Google Map Maker?
- Entrance exam for RTMNU PhD
- Happy Birthday slashfear!
List what you Think are the Most Life Nourishing or Assisting books to read. Posted: 21 May 2011 01:35 PM PDT List what books you think are most helpful in life then give a short description of the book and why its a good book to read. :cean: Mine are: - The Talent Code: It's about how to empower your skills, talents, and intelligence through habitual training. The Elements of The Talent Code are: Motivation and Deep Practice. Deep Practice - Forcing the practice of something to be more difficult so you improve quicker. This can really help you succeed in life if you take its wise advice. - Programs of the Brain: This is of course about the brain but in particular the programs. The programs such as eating, our senses, anxiety/agression, depression/sadness, our memory, and love/lust. These different Programs are like biologically written software in our minds wired by neurons and nerve cells. This book really helps you understand life, yourself, and others a lot better. It also helps you control and deal with problems you may have and understand why its happening and what you can do to stop it. |
Name the Band that you Truly Believe to be the BEST!! Posted: 21 May 2011 01:21 PM PDT Don't necessarily think of your opinion of a band, but rather the complexity and intelligence of it to determine what band you think is the best. You may also wanna keep good Poetic lyrics in mind as well for GOOD music. All genres and the centuries of music are included in this. List the band, then simply put down why you believe them to be #1. :happy: |
Posted: 21 May 2011 11:34 AM PDT I was just reading about nano and i would like to know what kind of transmission does nano car use and what is transmission ratio used in it. |
How mobile radio works with such a small antenna ? Posted: 21 May 2011 09:38 AM PDT As we know we must have an antenna of length 1/4th of our signal wavelength.So i checked my mobile and note down the frequency and after calculation i got result 1/4m(approx).But no any antenna of 1/4m i have in my mobile then how it works ? Even i cut my earphone wires only plug is there which is of 1/10m but still it works and i can hear the sound clearly !!:confused: |
Converting a car to run on Waste Vegetables Oil (Burned Oil) Posted: 21 May 2011 09:24 AM PDT We converted a diesel VW pickup at our company ( Entity Green ) to run on free waste vegetable oil from restaurant fryers. we get an exhilarating feeling of freedom from going down the road running on this renewable fuel. When Rudolf Diesel invented the diesel engine, he designed it to run on peanut oil. It was soon discovered that it would operate on cheaper petroleum oil. Today diesel engines will run, with a little modification, on peanut oil as well as on the oils of canola, soy, corn, sunflower, safflower, palm, olive, coconut, hemp, cottonseed, sesame, and many others. These oils burn much cleaner in a diesel engine than diesel fuel. They emit no sulfur, and thus do not contribute to acid rain. The carbon released is what would have been released naturally from the decay of the plant matter used. Therefore it is carbon-neutral, releasing carbon that was captured a year or two ago, and that carbon will be again absorbed in next year's crop. Fossil fuels, on the other hand, release carbon captured millions of years ago, upsetting the atmospheric balance and causing global warming. Another benefit is that the particulate matter emitted from running on vegetable oil is way lower than diesel fuel. Gone is the obnoxious diesel smell and black smoke, replaced with the smell of cooking oil. So if you are following me as I tool around town and suddenly get hungry for fish and chips, that's why. Also, any veggie oil spills are biodegradable. Waste vegetable oil is a very economical fuel to use. It is recycling something that was used up. Restaurants pay to have it removed, so they give it to me gladly. I'm accustomed to smelling fast foodnow I smell free renewable fuel!. Now that you know why we did converted it, here is a general explanation of how we did it. Waste vegetable oil needs to be filtered well before being used. Veggie oil also needs to be heated to run through the injector pump and fuel injectors on a diesel engine. This is accomplished by using heat transferred by engine coolant from the engine. In the trunk we have a separate fuel tank for veggie oil. It's heated with a copper coil inside the engine cabinet that has hot coolant running through it. The veggie fuel line runs inside the heater hose that delivers the coolant to the tank. It is a hose within a hose, heating the oil as it heads towards the engine. There is a separate fuel filter that's wrapped in a copper coil that also has hot coolant circulating through it, heating the veggie fuel in the filter. In order to get the oil hot enough to flow (and run), we need to use diesel from the regular tank and fuel system to warm up the car. After a few miles we switch over to veggie by using an electric fuel selector switch mounted on the dashboard. The car seems to run better on vegetable oil. A few miles before we stop we turn back to diesel to clear out the veggie oil from the pump and lines, so that it does not congeal. Eventually we'll use biodiesel instead of diesel for warming and stopping, and then we won't be using any fossil fuels. Check the photos out And here are the steps clearly: 1 Install a vegetable oil fuel conversion kit or have a mechanic do it. You should keep the original gas tank to hold regular diesel or biodiesel fuel for cold weather. Install a second tank for vegetable oil; these sometimes go in the trunk. The conversion kit should include hoses from the car's radiator to the vegetable oil tank to heat the oil via a heat exchanger before it enters the final fuel filter and injectors inside the engine compartment. 2 Get vegetable oil. New vegetable oil is easiest to acquire but very expensive. Restaurants will often give you their waste oil for free. Chinese and Japanese restaurants are best because their oils comes out cleanest. The oil should be amber in color. Oil from other types of restaurants may also be suitable but could require more filtering to remove food particles. You will need a few containers for transferring the oil from the source to your filtering destination. The five gallon jugs that the restaurants receive the fresh oil in work fine. Restaurants are usually happy to give you these containers since it saves them disposal fees. 3 Filter the oil. Use filter bags that are rated to 0.5 microns thick. To increase the life of your filter bags, first allow the oil to sit in a barrel for about a week to let particulate matter settle to the bottom. Then, pump or scoop the oil into a filter bag suspended above a fresh empty barrel from the top of the barrel (since most of the food particles matter and possible water is at the bottom). Start your engine using regular diesel or biodiesel fuel from the normal gas tank. Once the engine and vegetable oil are warm (after about 15 minutes depending on weather), switch to allow the vegetable oil to flow into the fuel source. 4 Switch back to diesel or biodiesel a few minutes before you stop your engine for any time (about 10 minutes depending on the temperature) to make sure the vegetable oil is purged from the fuel line and injectors so that they don't become clogged when the engine cools. Tips & Warnings In warm weather, the car can be started and run completely on vegetable oil. Make sure to keep your regular diesel tank just in case you may run out of vegetable oil or want to travel to a cooler climate. Purge the fuel line and fuel pump/injector with biodiesel or regular diesel every time you stop your engine just in case the weather turns cold unexpectedly. It's possible to change the rubber seals on older diesel vehicles so that they too can be converted to run on vegetable oil. Consider using a fuel injector/piston cleaner every six months to remove any accumulated carbon deposits. To do this, just pour the 12-ounce bottle into the tank before you drive. Biodiesel is the only alternative fuel that has been tested completely for health effects based on the requirements of the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments. Biodiesel is sometimes combined with standard diesel and sold under the label "biodiese.l" However, its benefits are relevant to the portion of pure biodiesel used. Straight vegetable oil (SVO) is any vegetable oil that can power diesel engines but has not undergone the transesterification process. The major constraint of using SVO is that it thickens at colder temperatures (below 25 degrees Fahrenheit), but it can be warmed up before reaching the engine's fuel injectors. It's expensive to buy and use fresh cooking oil, but restaurants are often willing to donate their used cooking oil, which is commonly called Waste Vegetable Oil (WVO). Vegetable oil engine conversion kits include a heating system and usually a second gas tank to get around the cold weather issues. Like Biodiesel, SVO produces very low emissions. However, raw vegetable oil does not meet biodiesel fuel specifications and is not registered with the EPA, nor is it a legal motor fuel. Converting your car to run on vegetable oil can void any warranty you have on your car. Contact your dealer or manufacturer to find out. |
How a mobile phone detect strength of signal. Posted: 21 May 2011 09:17 AM PDT Hello friend's Actually i want to know what is the instrument under by which we can able to detect strength of signal(like i got 3 parallel lines on our mobile screen when there is full signal strength). |
Know Your CEan - Yadavundertaker Posted: 21 May 2011 08:11 AM PDT YaY! CrazyEngineers came up with a one more good interview with one of our CE - Knights, He is CEan - Yadavundertaker Pallavi :Hi Mohit, you are a Crazy Mechanical engineer, tell us more about yourself. Yadav : Hi, My name is MOHIT YADAV. I am currently pursuing my Mechanical and Automation Engineering in DELHI and I am in final year and shortly planning to any NIT for MTECH (if got selected). Pallavi : How did you get introduced to Crazy Engineers (CE )? Yadav : As I do not have any interest in engineering, One of my friends suggested me to join CE so that I will start taking interest in my field. And I joined CE. Pallavi : Why did you take up this particular engineering trade? What do you like the most about it? Yadav : There is no specific reason for that. I basically chose the college due to two reasons a) Rank one private college in DELHI b) Near to my house (about 600m far) (MAIN REASON). What I like most about mechanical is calculations and designs. I like designing parts that’s why I did course in SOLID EDGE, UNIGRAPHICS NX and PRO-E. Pallavi : What is your favorite pass time? Yadav : Watching animes and reading mangas. Pallavi : Who are your idols or inspirations? Yadav : Every good human being who help others are my idols. Pallavi : What is the biggest achievement in your life so far? Yadav : I cleared NDA written two times that is my biggest achievements in life so far. Pallavi : What changes you found in yourself before and after joining CE ? Yadav : After joining CE I started taking interest in CE. You will be surprised that after joining CE my percentage shoot up. I secured 67% in my third sem and 72 % in fourth and still it is increasing. In last sem I cross 80%. This is all due to CE. And also I made good friends on CE which are really keen to help. Pallavi :If you are given a chance to take a role in CE , what would you like to have and What would you do for CE ? Yadav : If I am given a chance to take a role in CE then I will take publicity department. I will spread the CE all over the world. Pallavi :As your college is very near to your home, what’s your opinion on Hostel life? Yadav : I never experience hostel life but I can say that there is lots of fun in hostel. Lots of friends studying together, roaming together, playing etc. I can only imagine about fun. Pallavi : As you are a JUDO Champion can you let us know something about JUDO? Yadav : No I am not a judo champion. As I changed my school I got chance to learn judo so I learnt some basics as I like sports very much. Ya I won state level competition (3rd position) and zonal level(2nd )competition. But I played judo for only one year as I had to pay attention to my 12th and in my college there was no facility for JUDO. So now a days no judo. Pallavi : You were a very active CEan in previous days and suddenly become inactive for quite a lot of time and suddenly you came back, What made you to do so? Yadav : I became inactive for quite a lot of times because I was preparing for my GATE exam and as my gate exam was over on Feb 13,11 I am back with full energy. Pallavi : What is your life ambition? Yadav : There is nothing specific life ambition in my life but if I get a chance in future then I will open a school for poor children so that they will get good quality education free of cost. Because I think that only education is the solution of all the problems in INDIA. Pallavi : What is your future plan? Yadav : I am waiting for getting admission in MTECH in a good NIT(chances are rare) . and if I do not get admission then I will join INFOSYS. I had already received the offer letter of INFOSYS. Pallavi : You told Lalit Kumar introduced you to CE. is he active now? Yadav : No he is not active now. He had made his own forum two years back TECHBITS . so he gave most of his time on his forum. Rapid Fires : 1)If you have given a chance to thief a brain of our CEans then whom you go with? Yadav : ishan topre because he really have enthusiasm about mechanical engineering. 2)Who is your favoutire CEan? Yadav : the list is long. Every one is special. 3) Why your ID is Yadavundertaker? Yadav : I like wrestling and undertaker was my favorite and for making an account on orkut I need an id . Since Mohit Yadav was unavailable so I chose yadavundertaker. 4)Which Section on CE do you like the most and why? Yadav : I like mechanical engineering section because I am familiar to the topics and discussions in this section. 5)Define yourself in one word. Yadav : Lazy 6)If you are granted 3 wishes, what would you ask for? Yadav : 1) love and peace should be there in the world. 2) poverty should be eliminated properly. 3) Indian education system should be changed. 7) Five years from now, you will … Yadav :Be a mature person who have lots of responsibilities and a respected engineer and life will be full of fun. 7)What you like most about yourself? Yadav : My speed of writing and understanding things easily and quickly. 8)Your biggest blooper till date is? Yadav : My biggest blooper till date is that I did not prepare for the engineering entrance exams. 9)A moment you can never forget. Yadav : when I clear the NDA exam first time. 11) Name the fellow CEans.. The_Big_K - Great Captain Akrakadabra - Good Representative English_Scared - Mr. Intelligent CrazyBoy - Mr. Perfect Durga - Strict Godfather - Inventor dileep K – Creative Writer 12) What do you want to say about CE ? Yadav :Only one thing CE ROCKS.. We Wish you All the Very Best Yadav for your future. Hope you will become a Good Engineer as you mentioned in your signature :) And it will be more Great if you join Army to Serve our Country! We are Proud to have you on CE! |
List ways to improve computer memory Posted: 21 May 2011 05:44 AM PDT More ways to improve computer memory. This is a latest technology to improve computer Nanotechnology Now - Press Release: "NIST 'Nanowire' Measurements Could Improve Computer Memory" Meanwhile, can we list 10 simple ways to improve computer memory? :) |
Plug in hybrids? or EVs? What do you prefer? Posted: 21 May 2011 05:27 AM PDT In a recent survey, it was found that people prefer plud-in hybrids to the fully electrical vehicles. Survey reveals consumers prefer plug-in hybrids over EVs | The Car Tech blog - CNET Reviews Just out of curiosity, what do you prefer and why? :) |
Rise in fuel prices justified? Posted: 21 May 2011 05:14 AM PDT I recently came across this article actually a short paragraph Quote: U.S. highway travel declined 1.4 percent in March from a year ago as gasoline prices rose, marking the first year-on-year decline in the number of miles driven in 13 months, the U.S. Transportation Department said on Friday. The report provided some of the first government evidence that soaring prices at the pump have discouraged driving. The national gasoline price rose 21 cents a gallon during March and climbed until it reached nearly $4 this month. Fuel prices are now falling nationwide, reflecting cheaper crude oil. Highway travel for the first three months of this year was down 0.1 percent from the same period in 2010, the department said. But just due to this fact are in crease in fuel prices justified? Let us start a technical debate on this topic. Share your opinion :) Source: U.S. drives less for first time in 13 months | Reuters |
Antimater to reveal self: AMS sending data Posted: 21 May 2011 05:02 AM PDT The alpha magnetic spectrometer has started sending data. It is a devuce which was taken by the Endeavour space shuttle to International space shuttle recently. GenevaLunch » Cern’s AMS project, delivered by Endeavor, sending data :cean: |
Android Application Development Project Ideas Posted: 21 May 2011 01:34 AM PDT Please share any new ideas you have for android apps.. |
Is anyone using the Google Map Maker? Posted: 21 May 2011 12:45 AM PDT With Google Map Maker, you can : Start adding your local knowledge to the map.
Posted: 20 May 2011 11:48 PM PDT Entrance exam for PhD to be true now Quote: Nagpur University's much-delayed decision to start an entrance exam for doctor of philosophy (PhD) aspirants from this session has been hailed in the academic circles. Vice chancellor Vilas Sapkal recently came out with a direction (No. 7 of 2011) informing affiliated colleges and NU departments of entrance exam for getting a PhD and its guidelines. NU was the last one among all non-agriculture universities in Maharashtra of not having entrance test for the PhD aspirants. TOI had on Saturday reported about the exam in detail. Senior academician Dr Ved Prakash Mishra stated that the test will help in picking out the best talent. "The entrance will act as a filter which will pick up students who are most deserving. It will surely raise the standards of PhD aspirants," he said. Others like Dhanwate National College (DNC) principal Baban Taywade while lauding the decision said the decision was taken as per the University Grants Commission (UGC) guidelines. "These exams will be tough but those who are really willing to do it will surely clear it. It will lead to improvement in the quality of those pursuing this prestigious degree," he added. |
Posted: 20 May 2011 11:44 PM PDT Many Happy Returns of the day to our CEan- Slashfear! :happy: :birthday: I hope you have a rocking birthday bash! :birthday: |
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