Saturday, April 23, 2011

CrazyEngineers Forum

CrazyEngineers Forum

Understanding BJT

Posted: 23 Apr 2011 10:59 AM PDT

I am wondering if someone can help me understand a problem. This PNP BJT problem gives a very high beta and :
Vce sat = 0.2V (if needed for the problem)
Vbe = 0.7V
Ie = 0.5mA (independent current source)

It follows the by Ic = B * Ib that we can take the base current Ib as zero. As such by Ie = Ic + Ib it is clear Ie = Ic. If it turns out that both CBJ and EBJ are forward biased I can no longer make this assumption that Ie = Ic, am I correct?

Indian accent of speaking english

Posted: 23 Apr 2011 10:44 AM PDT

Indian accents vary greatly. Some Indians speak English with an accent very close to a Standard British accent ; others lean toward a more 'vernacular', native-tinted, accent for their English speech.
In general, Indian English has fewer peculiarities in its vowel sounds than the consonants, especially as spoken by native speakers of languages like Hindi, which in fact has a vowel phonology very similar to that of English.
Will the Indian people continue with their own accent or should they follow the British English or US english?....

Database system concepts.

Posted: 23 Apr 2011 10:27 AM PDT

This is a book by Abraham Silberschatz and Henry F. Korth both of Bell laboratory and Prof. S.Sudershan of IIT Bombay.
Attached Files

linux : the complete reference

Posted: 23 Apr 2011 10:16 AM PDT

i will be happy if anyone mails me this Ebook at
also can someone give me suggestion for a good linux boook? gonna buy one soon:cool::cool:

India college accepting GRE Score

Posted: 23 Apr 2011 09:52 AM PDT

is there any good Indian college accepting GRE Score for the admission in MS.

Introduction to computer graphics

Posted: 23 Apr 2011 09:30 AM PDT

Lecture by Prof. Sukhendu Das, Dept of computer science and engineering, IIT madras.

Introduction to basic electronics.

Posted: 23 Apr 2011 09:27 AM PDT

Here is the lecture by Prof. T.S Natarajan, Dept of Physics, IIT Madras.

Java Collection

Posted: 23 Apr 2011 09:02 AM PDT

:confused::confused::confused::confused::confused: :confused::confused::confused::confused::confused: :confused::confused::confused:

Java Collections Does any one Know the basics of it , please explain in simple language !!

1) How list iterator differ from iterator ?
2)Why are seperate type Set and Sortedset Provided?
3)How does Java collection provide read only collection ?
4)What is purpose of Type map in Java Collection ?

Fast Hiring Online Jobs

Posted: 23 Apr 2011 08:16 AM PDT

There are only a limited number of places in the world that will hire someone this quickly without even so much as an interview but market research companies do

Design of Welded joints I

Posted: 23 Apr 2011 08:03 AM PDT

Lecture by Prof. G. Chakraborty, IIt Kharagpur.

Design of machine elements II

Posted: 23 Apr 2011 07:57 AM PDT

A lecture by Prof. G.Chakraborty, IIT Karagpur

Design of machine elements I

Posted: 23 Apr 2011 07:54 AM PDT

Design of Shaft couplings: I

A lecture by Prof. G.Chakraborty, IIT Karagpur

Reactive powder concrete

Posted: 23 Apr 2011 07:48 AM PDT

Can anyone discuss here about this Reactive powder concrete???:confused:
:rolleyes:and also its composition and properties.
Thank you!!

Module 1 Lecture 2 Power System Operations and Control

Posted: 23 Apr 2011 07:46 AM PDT

This is a video by Prof.S.N. Singh of Dept. of Electrical Engineering, IIT Kanpur.

Power systems operations and control: Module 1 Lecture 1

Posted: 23 Apr 2011 07:43 AM PDT

This is the lecture by Prof.S.N. Singh of IIT Kanpur Electrical branch.

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