Friday, April 22, 2011

CrazyEngineers Forum

CrazyEngineers Forum

how to find pressure inside cylinder

Posted: 22 Apr 2011 12:56 PM PDT

Two cylinders are press fitted together to form a composite closed cylinder .The outter cylinder is made of steel E=200Gpa,poissions ratio=0.29 and yeild strength 1990mpa and inner cylinder is brittle material with E=200Gpa poissions ratio=0.3,ultimate strength=3100mpa.The inner and outter radii of inner cylinder is 10mm and 20mm and outter and inner radii of outter cylinder is 20mm and 95 mm.Determine the pressure inside the cylinder, prove that design is safe considering factor of safety

twisted wires

Posted: 22 Apr 2011 09:21 AM PDT

why the insulated wires used in homes or elsewhere are twisted with each other and are not parallel...........

Primary key ,foreign key , Index(primary,secondary,clustering) !!!!!!

Posted: 22 Apr 2011 08:39 AM PDT


I have following tables ,Please can any one suggest primary key and foreign key for the tables and suitable Index scheme to be used on attributes !!

Course(courseno,coursename,course decsp,....)
Courseregistration(courseno,studentno,year,status, ....)

Table :Moduleregistration table depends on status field "sitting" and "resit"
Table :Course registration "status" field has 3 values depending upon whether student is "attending" course,"suspended" studies,"completed" course

So please suggest suitable primary and foreign keys for each table and which Index and which attribute I should select to Index (also mention type of index)

Database Experts thanks for the earlier reply related to Index but this question is very tricky and different than previous question in which clustering index was preferred, please explain why we use specific index than others as in last question(still on forum to be answered further in detail) that I put in forum it was very hard to understand why we did not consider secondary index or primary in the answer (ie what are their limitations) .Thanks!!


Posted: 22 Apr 2011 06:20 AM PDT

how to create a knowlegde bank of a local area using social lyk "best restaurant in the city" searches n public forums are nt dat reliable...any ideas??

Industrial Training

Posted: 22 Apr 2011 03:51 AM PDT

i want to know how i can get industrial training in a software company so that after training i can show it as my working experience. I want actual training that the software professional have.

Automobile Vehicle Glass

Posted: 22 Apr 2011 03:36 AM PDT

How does automobile vehicle glass gets raised up and down, when we rotate the handle in its door. What mechanism is used inside? and similarly what mechanism is used to open the door of the vehicle. Request Diagrammatic Explaination.

3 Phase Energy Meter

Posted: 22 Apr 2011 03:34 AM PDT


I am trying to find a Single chip solution for my design of 3 phase energy meter. I am currently using separate MCU, ADC and LCD Drivers for my smart meter. Now i want to find a solution that combines at least two of these three things on a single chip. This will save me some space and price.

Something along the lines of MSP430FE425IPM, which i used to finish my single phase energy meter.

Looking for a device that performs the same functions for a 3 phase meter.

Any ideas would be welcome.

Thank You

D J Victor or Ponnusamy

Posted: 22 Apr 2011 02:58 AM PDT

I wan't to know which one is a better book - Bridge Engineering by Ponnusamy or Essentials of Bridge Engineering by D J Victor. Can anyone suggest? Or is there a better one than these two?

Lecture -25 Compressor

Posted: 22 Apr 2011 02:17 AM PDT

Here is a Lecture on Refrigeration and Airconditioning by Prof.M.Ramgopal from the Department of Mechanical Engineering IIT Kharagpur.
Discuss this topic with fellow mechanical engineers, share your ideas, ask questions and doubts in this discussion.

Lecture -24 Compressor

Posted: 22 Apr 2011 02:16 AM PDT

Here is a Lecture on Refrigeration and Airconditioning by Prof.M.Ramgopal from the Department of Mechanical Engineering IIT Kharagpur.
Discuss this topic with fellow mechanical engineers, share your ideas, ask questions and doubts in this discussion.

Lecture -23 Compressor

Posted: 22 Apr 2011 02:15 AM PDT

Here is a Lecture on Refrigeration and Airconditioning by Prof.M.Ramgopal from the Department of Mechanical Engineering IIT Kharagpur.
Discuss this topic with fellow mechanical engineers, share your ideas, ask questions and doubts in this discussion.

Lecture -22 Compressor

Posted: 22 Apr 2011 02:13 AM PDT

Here is a Lecture on Refrigeration and Airconditioning by Prof.M.Ramgopal from the Department of Mechanical Engineering IIT Kharagpur.
Discuss this topic with fellow mechanical engineers, share your ideas, ask questions and doubts in this discussion.

Lecture -21 Compressor

Posted: 22 Apr 2011 02:12 AM PDT

Here is a Lecture on Refrigeration and Airconditioning by Prof.M.Ramgopal from the Department of Mechanical Engineering IIT Kharagpur.
Discuss this topic with fellow mechanical engineers, share your ideas, ask questions and doubts in this discussion.

Lecture -20 Compressor

Posted: 22 Apr 2011 02:10 AM PDT

Here is a Lecture on Refrigeration and Airconditioning by Prof.M.Ramgopal from the Department of Mechanical Engineering IIT Kharagpur.
Discuss this topic with fellow mechanical engineers, share your ideas, ask questions and doubts in this discussion.

Lecture -19 Worked Out Examples 2

Posted: 22 Apr 2011 02:08 AM PDT

Here is a Lecture on Refrigeration and Airconditioning by Prof.M.Ramgopal from the Department of Mechanical Engineering IIT Kharagpur.
Discuss this topic with fellow mechanical engineers, share your ideas, ask questions and doubts in this discussion.

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