Thursday, April 21, 2011

CrazyEngineers Forum

CrazyEngineers Forum

Adobe's drawing software similar to Flash

Posted: 21 Apr 2011 12:10 PM PDT

I haven't used much softwares from Adobe's design suite. Does anybody have suggestions regarding which of them is best for regular drawing?

What I mean is:
Photoshop is real specialized in designing, but when we take the drawing in Flash, it is more flexible. The drawing tools in it are more supportive to animation, and thus drawing is more quick and manageable. :cool:

I really hope some other software from Adobe will be having similar drawing tools, but more specialized in drawing alone. :|
So, any suggestions guys? :)

A Triad of Easter Fun Projects

Posted: 21 Apr 2011 09:13 AM PDT

These are strictly for fun.

1. L.E.D. Easter Eggs
L.E.D. Easter Eggs

2. Charlie Sheen's Warlock Laser Eyes
Charlie Sheen's Warlock Laser Eyes

3. Desktop energy seed lamp
Desktop energy seed lamp


help!-design of led torch

Posted: 21 Apr 2011 08:22 AM PDT

guys i need to design an led torch that works on 1.2 or 1.5v battery. im in need of Design and the circuit.. can anyone help me out with this??

Video Library of Global Spec

Posted: 21 Apr 2011 07:20 AM PDT

A slew of videos on a slew of subjects.

GlobalSpec - Engineering Search & Industrial Supplier Catalogs


Ways to make sound proof place

Posted: 21 Apr 2011 06:08 AM PDT

Hi friends,

I was thinking how to make things more sound proof? I learnt some basics when I was in seventh grade which we all know.

But can anyone suggest ways to make sound proof rooms?

Internship For Mechanical Engineers

Posted: 21 Apr 2011 05:31 AM PDT

hi friends, I am in between my exams and need to find out fast if Mahindra and Mahindra offers internship program or not. (I heard in negative :cry: ) Please tell me if any one know anything.

Also tell about some good mechanical companies which offers internship for about a month.

How about Bhilai steel plant or Alpha Laval?

Psychological stages....!!

Posted: 21 Apr 2011 05:06 AM PDT

I always had a special interest in human psychology... Although I never got a chance to pursue it... anyway.. I wanted to share something about this with all the CEans... To start with there are basically 10 psychological stages of human mind...
I will not make this long and discuss all the 10 stages but yeah... there is this "Clairaudience" stage which interests me a lot... Well.. its a bit spooky..!! It is a mental ability by which one can hear things beyond time and the voices of the dead...!!!:|
There's also "Precognition" , the power of the mind by which it can see images of the future events... also known as the Extra sensory perception...
I would like to know your views and experiences regarding this....:)

SUDOKU Tips & Tricks

Posted: 21 Apr 2011 04:45 AM PDT

I'm not a SUDOKU fan, however this thread might help many enthusiasts. I invite all CEans interested in Sudoku solving to share tips and tricks and their their record timings with us. :)

Bs 3963:1974

Posted: 21 Apr 2011 04:25 AM PDT


Can any one please provide me with BS 3963:1974 Code

Thanking you in advance


Do not toss food into the bin just because the 'Best Before Date' is over.

Posted: 21 Apr 2011 03:56 AM PDT

Just two days back a friend asked me about throwing out date expired food. Common sense and not a printed date should prevail. How do we handle food cooked by ourselves? We eat it if it tastes right. There is no date on such food. Usually these 'Best before' dates are arrived at considering extreme conditions of storage. I do not know how much good food is trashed in urban India because of the date.

Here is a take on this:!5793871/be-less-stringent-about-tossing-expired-food


CE Paid Project: Ajaxified Post Question Page

Posted: 21 Apr 2011 03:47 AM PDT


Those who are good in PHP+Ajax, CE is willing to offer you a paid project to improve the posting experience on our forums. The project is based on the idea we already discussed and it's now time to actually put it into action.

We want to develop a 'Question Posting' page with following features -

Overall Functionality: The user will access the questions posting page and get step-by-step guidance for posting his/her question. Following points will make the functionality clearer.

1. Accessible to non-registered and registered members.
2. The page contents will be as follows -

a. Subject Line (the only field that will be active first)
b. Once the subject is entered by the user, other fields will be activated.
c. Relevant section of CE Forum will be guessed by reading the subject.
d. Detailed question box will be activated where user can describe their question/idea.
e. Relevant tags will be auto-generated with an option for the user to add few tags on their own.

At the bottom of the page, 'Sign in' button will be available if the user is not already registered. Otherwise, 'post/submit your question' button will be available. Clicking on this button will create a new thread in appropriate section. User will be automatically subscribed to the newly created thread so that he/she receives update through email when an answer is posted.

Overall: The project is about redesign and modification of already existing 'Post new thread' page.

Note: This project requires access to vBulletin code which we will provide once you're chosen for the project.

In order to apply, respond in this thread and tell us why should you be selected for this project and links/pointers to any existing project you've developed.

Remuneration: International Standards. 30% prior to commencement of work, remaining after the 'go live'.

ABB Concept Robot Frida

Posted: 21 Apr 2011 03:42 AM PDT

This robot can apply for a manufacturing job in your company. ;)

ReWalk - Robot Exoskeleton helps man walk after 20yrs in a wheelchair

Posted: 21 Apr 2011 03:40 AM PDT

ReWalk™ is an alternative mobility solution to the wheelchair for individuals with severe walking impairments, enabling them to stand, walk, ascend/descent stairs and more. Present version costs $150,000 and has an 8 hour battery life. Yes, 8hrs.
As of December 2010, the device is undergoing clinical trial testing at MossRehab in suburban Philadelphia.

The trials will continue for approximately a year.

* Ability to use hands and shoulders (walking with crutches)
* Healthy cardiovascular system and bone density

Erasing CD with HV - Real or Fake?

Posted: 21 Apr 2011 03:38 AM PDT

Innovative ideas for Birthday Celebration

Posted: 21 Apr 2011 02:30 AM PDT

I like to celebrate my friends' and relatives' birthdays. I always try to bring some innovation to the way we celebrate it.

We can make someone's birthday special by innovating in following areas:
1. The 'way' we wish them happy birthday
2. The place where we celebrate it
3. The kind/type of gift we give

I have ran out of the new ideas this year. :| I hope we can get some useful ideas here.

PS: We can also think of ideas to celebrate a birthday online.

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