Sunday, April 24, 2011

CrazyEngineers Forum - Mechanical & Civil Engineering

CrazyEngineers Forum - Mechanical & Civil Engineering

What is the Yeild Strength of WC

Posted: 24 Apr 2011 12:19 PM PDT

what is the difference between compressive strength and yield strength for Tungsten carbide then if i know the compressive strength how to relate to yeild stregth


Posted: 24 Apr 2011 10:46 AM PDT

iam very much interested in conducting a core mechanical event in our techfest apart from those old events like junkyardwars,contraption etc... pls help me out........

Group Study for Mechanical & Automobile Engineering | Check Your Knowledge | Viva

Posted: 24 Apr 2011 12:10 AM PDT

Hello Ceans,

This thread is specially for the group study of Mechanical & Automobile Engineering, But more than that here we are also going to check that how much we know. In this thread you can also improve your explanation power and writing skill too. Everyone of us have attended Viva during our exams so you can also use this thread for your viva practice. :rolleyes:

And you know How this thing will be Possible?
Well, Here we will ask some basic questions and you have to try to answer them. Fellow Ceans will read your answers and try to understand that what exactly you want to explain and according to that they have to give you marks and we will keep update that score sheet. ;)

So, For this Thread there are some rules that we all have to follow


1) We will ask the questions related to Mechanical & Automobile field only.
2) Each Question has 2 Marks.
3) Do not copy paste the answer try to explain it in your language and as per your understanding of that topic.
4) If you are reading this thread then you have to give away the marks for each answer and to each Ceans who replied to the Question. and you can also give the marks in points, Like 1.25,1.5,1.75,2.25 etc
5) If you want to ask the Questions then you have to prepare the list of at least 2-3 Questions and PM it to Me or any Moderator, We will update this thread time by time.
6) Your average marks will be added to Score-sheet Like if your answer gets marks from 3 different Ceans and that is 1,1.5,1.75 then the average is 4.25/3 = 1.42 Marks

PS:- We will update this thread time by time.

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