Wednesday, March 9, 2011

CrazyEngineers Forum

CrazyEngineers Forum

Idea on the project title of "wireless power transmission"

Posted: 09 Mar 2011 01:50 PM PST

I chose wireless power transmission for my final year project title but i can't say i have enough knowledge about antennas therefore i need help from all crazy engineers who can give me any idea

Caculate the fresh charge that escapes in a 2 stroke engine

Posted: 09 Mar 2011 10:12 AM PST

How to caculate the quantity of fresh charge that escapes along with exhaust gas in a two stroke petrol engine??

My Interview Experience @ TATA Consultancy Services! :)

Posted: 09 Mar 2011 07:32 AM PST

Hey guys... I will be sharing here my interview experiences... Feel free to comment... :)

Find your computer whether it is a male or female...

Posted: 09 Mar 2011 07:24 AM PST

Heya People, Wanna check if your computer is male or female??? ;)
Open notepad and type:

Save it as GenderCheck.vbs and run it. :p
If you hear a male voice, it's a boy. If you hear a female voice, it's a girl! :)
Say your responses... :)

How to store electrcity from piezo???

Posted: 09 Mar 2011 06:15 AM PST

Can anyone please give me a idea to store electrcity generated by piezo plates???

i want to store in a re-chargeable battery

Electronics:Industrial training or any course in embedded/vlsi design????

Posted: 09 Mar 2011 05:54 AM PST

am a delhi based 2nd year student(electrical & electronics engg.).i wanna do summer training this year.i searched a lot on net and found a no. of organisations who provide training on numerous fields like embedded,vlsi etc.some of these are seemed to be good while some others are seemed to be just an another way to earn money.on the other hand some of my senior friends suggest to have some industrial experience with some electronics company(as my interest is in electronics) while some other says that there is not much exposure to instruments/products for us in any industry and thus i should join a course.m really very confused:(:(:(:(
1.neither i know any industry providing good exposure to products nor i know any good institute to do training on particular subject on paid basis.........
2.i also think that courses like embedded/vlsi are vast and not suitable for a small period like 2months and also require a deep knowledge in electronics which i don't have at now.
Please give your suggestions on above two points.....what to do and what not???
thanks in advance....:)


Posted: 09 Mar 2011 05:09 AM PST

Can anyone tell me the top institute which comes under MAT.

Ubuntu 11.10 Is 'Oneiric Ocelot'

Posted: 09 Mar 2011 05:05 AM PST

Canonical today confirmed that uBuntu 11.10, which will release in October this year will be named 'Oneiric Ocelot'. Mark Shuttleworth, the founder of Canonical, also gave some hints about the difficult decisions the Ubuntu Project will have to make prior to the October 2011 launch of Oneiric Ocelot. That release will be the last before the long term support (LTS) release of Ubuntu 12.04, which is expected in April 2012.

Read more: Canonical names ubuntu 11.10 oneiric ocelot- The Inquirer
The Inquirer - Computer hardware news and downloads. Visit the download store today.

Combined heat and power - Thermal and Power ratio

Posted: 09 Mar 2011 04:36 AM PST

Hi Guys!!

I was wondering what happens when you are trying to design a chp system that will be installed on a building that has a thermal to power ratio that is transient. How do you match the optimum size machine/technology if in some months you need to supply more power and in others more heat?


India Vs. Netherlands - Cricket Match Updates

Posted: 09 Mar 2011 04:33 AM PST

The Cricket World Cup fever is all time high. Today, Team India is playing against Netherlands. Keep posting updates and your views as the match progresses :)

Hi Every one. I am Rajev.

Posted: 09 Mar 2011 02:44 AM PST

I am Rajev Naik graduated in Mech Engg in 1980. I am having 30 years experience in Power plant O & M (Operation & Maintainance). I had posted 2 threads yesterday & am finding that people are more interested in knowing me rather then my ideas, so I am giving this introduction. You can view some of my papers posted in wide

Pump Flow Calculator

Fan Flow Calculator

Theory of Trouble Shooting

Ultrasonic Condition Monitoring Technique

35 years Shift Rota Calendar

encryption project

Posted: 09 Mar 2011 01:16 AM PST

i need help on an encryption project for my undergraduate program. below are some of the aims of the project. It has to be coded in java or any othe language. I would appreciate directions on how to do it from GUI to coding
  1. System should allow user to enter message and select an encryption algorithm (AES,DES,RSA, Blowfish etc and own algorithm)
  2. use java applets or as a standalone
  3. use symetric or asymmetric keys
  4. When encrypting be able to split a file into chunks and encrypt individual chunks using same key or increments of same key or use of salt
  5. Encrypt a folder, file, or harddrive
  6. shred a source file after encrypting
  7. menu should offer compression and emailing of file

Freshers Software Testing Jobs

Posted: 08 Mar 2011 11:59 PM PST

In the recent days, the different software testing jobs have indeed become very popular. There are many software companies that recruit

Which IT companies in India have dress code for employees?

Posted: 08 Mar 2011 11:15 PM PST

I personally am against deciding a dress code for employees. However, it could be a matter of discipline that many IT companies in India have a dress code for their employees. Typically, employees are asked to wear formals from Monday to Thursday and Friday could be a casuals day.

Here are few companies in India, which to the best of my knowledge have dress code -

1. Infosys
2. Wipro
3. TCS
4. Tech Mahindra
5. Cognizant

Please add more :)

Why does Infosys hire more engineers from South India?

Posted: 08 Mar 2011 11:13 PM PST

I'm not sure if there's a bias, but it could be because of the fact that Infosys founders belong to South India and have natural inclination towards South Indian engineers. According to TOI- Highest no. of Infy job offers this year in Karnataka: NRN - The Times of India Infosys made highest number of campus placements offers in Karnataka. Out of 25,798 total offers, Karnataka: 4,079 against 3,334 in Tamil Nadu and 2,235 in Andhra Pradesh.

Your take on this?

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