Wednesday, March 23, 2011

CrazyEngineers Forum - Electrical & Electronics Engineering

CrazyEngineers Forum - Electrical & Electronics Engineering

microcontroller 8051?

Posted: 22 Mar 2011 08:14 AM PDT

I am totally new to practical use of 8051? May I know how and which pin to be connected as input and which pin should be taken as output? Ex. for pick and place robot, I have a camera in front for detecting the presence of the object, and output of the camera should be sent to which pin of the micro controller? and from where the output should be taken?

NIB-1 & NIB-2 Addresses

Posted: 22 Mar 2011 06:59 AM PDT

I was trying to figure out the pathetic browsing speeds I experience on my broadband connection and found out that I'm on NIB-I network. My IP address starts with 59.xx ... and my speeds are thus limited to about 512 kbps.

Someone suggested that if the network provider switches my account over to NIB-2, to have my IP address starting with 117.xx..., I'll be able to get speeds in MB/s. Now apart from the obvious long-forms, I have absolutely no clue about what these guys were suggesting.

My questions are -

1. How do I determine which NIB I'm On.
2. How many NIBs are there in India (is that a stupid question?)
3. How does one switch between the backbones (if at all).

Looking forward to your responses.

Scrolling LED Display without using uP..!!

Posted: 22 Mar 2011 03:15 AM PDT


Check my project, Scrolling displays in numeric.

In this project i have used basic logical IC's which are common to all student.
here is the list of component used.

1.) Power supply (12V).
2.) Clock pulse ( 555 IC).
3.) Decade counters ( 4017 IC).
4.) Couple of AND GATES ( CMOS 4081/ TTL 7408).
5.) SEVEN Segment display (as per message).
6.) BCD to SEVEN Segment Driver ( IC TTL 7447/ CMOS 4011).
7.) OR GATES (7432).
8.) A wire, PCB, switches, etc…

Here is a video:

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