Tuesday, March 15, 2011

CrazyEngineers Forum - Electrical & Electronics Engineering

CrazyEngineers Forum - Electrical & Electronics Engineering

What is the difference between electrical engineering and electronics engineering tec

Posted: 14 Mar 2011 10:27 PM PDT

i am interested in doing engineering after high school, but there is a program called electronics engineering technology and electrical engineering.In most cases technology degrees are two year training degrees. They are training you for a tech position. Engineering's degrees are 4year degrees or on a community college level they are 2 year transfer degrees.

metal vs hole/SCHOTTKY DIODE

Posted: 14 Mar 2011 05:21 AM PDT

is the metal having holes ?

what is the operation of SCHOTTKY DIODE? IN SCHOOTKY DIODE how the depletion region is formed?:happy::happy::happy:

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