Thursday, March 10, 2011

CrazyEngineers Forum - Computer Science & IT Engineering

CrazyEngineers Forum - Computer Science & IT Engineering

write kelogger for Mac Leopard

Posted: 09 Mar 2011 07:10 PM PST

Hey, do you guys have the experience of writing a keylogger for Mac 10.5? I am not good at it, so If you have any useful tutorials, plz tell me. Thx

Can you solve this sql query?

Posted: 09 Mar 2011 07:03 PM PST

Say i have 4 tables

each table have two common attribute say name of city and population

I want to retrieve name of city with minimum population

can you find it?

How to get IP Address of the all clients in a Network

Posted: 09 Mar 2011 06:38 PM PST

How to get Ip Address of the all the clients in a network..
please help me any one.......

(using c ) ekadhikena purvena of 1/9,1/19,1/29,1/39....... astounding idea vedic math

Posted: 09 Mar 2011 04:07 PM PST

study the paragraph completely and then download and change the slight modifications
and then run it on your turboc
I need comments on this how can I optimize my code for bigger numbers

Find your computer whether it is a male or female...

Posted: 09 Mar 2011 07:24 AM PST

Heya People, Wanna check if your computer is male or female??? ;)
Open notepad and type:

Save it as GenderCheck.vbs and run it. :p
If you hear a male voice, it's a boy. If you hear a female voice, it's a girl! :)
Say your responses... :)

encryption project

Posted: 09 Mar 2011 01:16 AM PST

i need help on an encryption project for my undergraduate program. below are some of the aims of the project. It has to be coded in java or any othe language. I would appreciate directions on how to do it from GUI to coding
  1. System should allow user to enter message and select an encryption algorithm (AES,DES,RSA, Blowfish etc and own algorithm)
  2. use java applets or as a standalone
  3. use symetric or asymmetric keys
  4. When encrypting be able to split a file into chunks and encrypt individual chunks using same key or increments of same key or use of salt
  5. Encrypt a folder, file, or harddrive
  6. shred a source file after encrypting
  7. menu should offer compression and emailing of file

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