Sunday, March 6, 2011

CrazyEngineers Forum - Computer Science & IT Engineering

CrazyEngineers Forum - Computer Science & IT Engineering

Pen drive

Posted: 06 Mar 2011 12:28 AM PST

Hi all,
I have a project using a pen drive. i want to store data in it, which can be read in any system but can't be formatted or over write. pleas help.

Problem in sql query

Posted: 05 Mar 2011 08:07 PM PST

I am facing some problem in a sql query

here is the scenario

I have 6 tables, where one of them is parent table and other are child table

Primary table has 62 attributes

Child table have 5 attribute entries

Parent table contain unique entry for each row,but child table may different multiple entries for each parent table entry,now i want to retrieve data from all the tables through single query

can anyone help me in this?

Download Swings Plugin For MyEclipse

Posted: 05 Mar 2011 06:21 PM PST

How to download swings plugins for My Eclipse ......?

After downloading How to integrate with My Eclipse ..?

please help me any one...................

Operating system

Posted: 05 Mar 2011 05:31 PM PST

Hii friends,
plzz help me with these questions...
1 - The purpose of having an instruction format with 2 registers for one operand is:
a- To allow one register to be on the stack
b- To use one as a base and the other as an index
c- To extend the page size
d- To enhance virtualization
e- To prevent disturbing the stack

2 - List the four atomic operations in switching from kernel mode to user mode. Be sure to give the proper settings of ON and OFF values for a switch in the stated direction.
Set IC, privilege mode off, protection on, interrupts off

3 - Why does an O/S store the user's registers and/or stack values in low memory?
a- Because it doesn't need a register to access the memory
b- Because those locations are reserved for that purpose
c- Because that's where the user expects them to be
d- Because it's faster

4 - A traditional TLB contains :
a- Recently referenced page #s and frame #s for all processes
b- Recently referenced page #s and frame #s for only the current process
c- All page #s and frame #s for the current process
d- All page #s and frame #s for all active processes

5 - Given: a 24-bit-maximum memory address size, with 12 of those bits used for a displacement (page offset) to the byte in the page, what is the maximum number of page frames possible on such a machine?
a- 211
b- 212
c- 223
d- 224

6 - Linux manages scheduling of tasks by using:
a- 140 bitmaps and a single priority queue
b- 1 bitmap and 140 priority queues
c- 2 bitmaps and 140 priority queues
d- 140 bitmaps and 2 priority queues

7 - (10) You are the system manager for DJF systems and you have noticed that when running process X, the CPU is in a 2-instruction loop at REAL address 17,000 (decimal) and REAL address 40,000 (back and forth from one to the other). Given a machine with page-size = frame-size = 4096, use the data below to help you translate these 2 real addresses to virtual addresses (i.e.; address offsets within the process), so you can examine a memory dump of the object module for performance analysis. Remember: Frame #'s & page #'s start at 0.
Page # Virtual address Frame # Real address range
0 v0-4095 4 16384-20479
1 v4096-8191 7 28672-32767
2 v8192-12287 9 36864-40959
3 v12288-16383 2 8192-12287

The translated addresses (the addresses in the looping program module) are:

8 - Describe the advantages of having multiple state vectors (one per interrupt TYPE). List the TYPES we saw when we discussed the z/390.

9 - Describe what must happen when an interrupt occurs in ANY machine, in order for the O/S to handle the interrupt properly.

10 -What is "Optimal Page Replacement" and why can it not be used effectively with interactive programs?

11 -Describe the paravirtualization concept (hint: Xen is one such implementation).

12 - VMware provides a mechanism for migrating a running OS from one physical machine to another WHILE the OS and its application are RUNNING. List some of the problems in making this possible. List some limitations.

Thread of jQuery! :)

Posted: 05 Mar 2011 05:14 PM PST

Hey Guys,
Right now the buzz word in the internet and web is none other than jQuery. Web developers tackle their problem of cross-browser compatibility, and bringing in effects, using this simple user friendly library. I guess there are a couple of web developers and I hope it would be useful not only to them, but also to those who are interested! :)

Simple JavaScript for Client Side Validation & Cloud Computing

Posted: 05 Mar 2011 05:05 PM PST

Hi Guys,
Back with another set of tutorials:
1. Simple JavaScript for Client Side Validation
2. Cloud Computing

Do check them out and share your views here. :)

Sorry, the files are little heavy due to the size of the coding and screenshots. :(

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