Sunday, February 13, 2011

CrazyEngineers Forum

CrazyEngineers Forum

helo crazies!

Posted: 13 Feb 2011 09:37 AM PST

i am so happy to finally join crazyengineers..:D

Do you?

Posted: 13 Feb 2011 06:16 AM PST

Do you believe that CE is the KING OF ENGINEERING?:cean:

All about Engines...

Posted: 13 Feb 2011 06:06 AM PST

Hello all,
I always used to wonder what engine is like.I basically didn't knew that an Engine may contain more than one piston cylinder arrangement.But its actually fun.
We normally just memorize the name by heart without thinking of its meaning.So let us take an effort to know what are different types of engines. There are also different types like Adiabati engine,Rotary engine,Wankel engines etc.
Engines are classified by following parameters:

1.Number of cylinders
there are generally 1,2,3,4,5,6,8,12 cylinder engines.It means that let say 4 cylinders are cascaded to form a one unit.Also known as 4 cylinder engine.

2.Arrangement of cylinders
The cylinders may be arranged in single line or in two rows.Half on both sides.So when you say V8 engine.It contains 4 cylinders each in 2 rows.When seen from front i.e; front view resembles English alphabet 'V'.Hence the name.

3.Arrangement of valve and valve trains
You may say these are the lungs of Engine.With the help of these air fuel mixture or simply air or 'whatever the engine is designed for' enters the engine.
There are several different arrangements of valve and valve trains.
a.Location of cam shaft
b.How the camshaft is driven
c.Types of valve train
d.Number of valves per cylinder

4.Type of cooling
This is a cooling arrangement.Basically a radiator arrangement.Ever seen a radiator? Yes you have.See any rolls royce on internet.On the front portion you will see net of black colour.that is actually the front portion of radiator.

5.Number of strokes per cycle (2 or 4)
The most powerful engine is 2 stroke engine.Because power is developed every alternate stroke.while for 4 stroke engine power is developed once in 4 strokes.
So a 2 stroke engine produces twice the power than a 4 stroke engine.

6.Type of fuel burned in that engine
Spark ignition engines usually burn gasoline or gasohol.It is a mixture of gasoline and alcohol.Some spark ignition engines especially in buses and trucks burn LPG or CNG.Diesel engines usually burn a light oil called diesel fuel.Flexible fuel vehicles can burn gasoline or alcohol blend fuels.

7.Method of ignition
In petrol engines the cycle used is Otto cycle.The air fuel mixture is first compressed and then spark is applied.
While in diesel engine diesel cycle is used.First only air is taken in and compressed and then a jet of diesel is applied 'igniting the air' in layman's terms.

8.Firing order
Firing order is sequence in which the cylinder deliver power strokes.Like in 4 cylinder engine the sequence is 1-2-4-3 or 1-3-4-2.It should be noted that all cylinders perform different processes at different times.When first cylinder is in power stroke other cylinder may be in suction while other is compression and remaining one in expansion stroke.This ensures uninterrupted generation of power.

9.Reciprocating or rotary
The engine may be reciprocating or rotary depending on what mechanisms are used.

What I tried to explain is a conventional system.Correct me if I am wrong anywhere.Those who are in their jobs may share their experiences with us.Because there is ample opportunity of innovation.

Wireless power transmission

Posted: 13 Feb 2011 05:52 AM PST

:smile:friends I'm thinking of doing a project in wireless electricity. I'm seeking your help my friends please help me...

A quote

Posted: 13 Feb 2011 05:28 AM PST

I just want to share this to you.

The Philippine National Proverb
Translated into various Philippine languages...
With over 168 mutually unintelligible languages, the Philippines is a country of incredible linguistic diversity. This illustrates some of that diversity with the national proverb, translated into various languages of the islands. The translations are arranged geographically by island (and island area), not genetically (by language family). Philippines is composed of 7100+.

"He who does not (know how to) look back at his past (where he came from) will not reach his destination."


Ang di lumilingón sa pinanggalingan, di makararatíng sa paroroonan. (Tagalog)
Daydiay saán nga agtaliaw iti nagtaudanna, saán a makadánon iti papanánna (Ilocano)
A diri maglilili sa pinaggalinan diri makaabot sa pasasadtowan. (Rinconada Bikol)
Nan tákho ay achi manmanmek sinan marpowána, achi metlaeng makad-enan sinan omayána. (Guinaang Bontok)
Say ag to amta so onlingaw ed nanlapuan to, ag makasabi ed laen to. (Pangasinan)
Si tawon kai magtanda' lumingap sa ibwatan na, kai ya mirate' sa keen na. (Bolinao)
Ing e byasang malikid keng kayang ibatan, e ya makaratang keng kayang pupuntan. (Kapampangan)
An dai nalingoy sa hinalean, dai makaabot sa padudumanan. (Naga Bikol)
An dai tataung maghiling sa pinaghalian, dai makaabot sa saiyang papadumanan. (Partido Bikol)
Quien no ta bira cara na su origen no de incarsa na su destinacion. (Caviteño Chavacano)
Ay nung sabi mira i donde ya bini no di yega na destinasyon. (Ternateño Chavacano)
I tolay nga ari mallipay ta naggafuananna, ari makadde ta angayanna. (Ibanag)
Yu táwlay ya ammé natatáw ya langngín yu naggafwánan na, ammé na makígad yu angán na. (Yogad)
Iya madi lumaw-ing iya geyatan; madi makedateng iya pegturungan. (Adasen)
Ino ammena mallangngi so naggabbuatanna, mena macadatang so angan na. (Gaddang)
Hay ahe nin nanlek ha pinag-ibatan, ay ahe makarateng ha lalakwen. (Botolan Sambal)
Ya tolay nga adi malliplipay cha naggapgapuanna, e adi macalbet cha angngayan na. (Malaueg)
Sota agto gwingien i edapoanto, agto sebien i dagwanto. (Ibaloy1)
No sefay agto amtan unvingi ni adafoanto ag-onmotok shi dawanto. (Ibaloy2)
Hay cae tanda mamanomtom ha pinangibatan cay immabot sa cacaon. (Tina Sambal1)
Yay kay ampamalingay ha ibatan, kay makaabot ha kakaon a dogal. (Tina Sambal2)
Yo dili batid magsuringay sa kiyang pinagharean, mai makaabot sa kiyang pupuntahan. (Northern Catanduanes Bikol)
Ang dai magsaringoy sa hinalian, dai makasampot sa padumanan niya. (Viracnon, Southern Catanduanes Bikol)
An diri maaram magrumdom sa nakaagi, diri maka-kadto sa kakadtuan. (Sorsoganon Bikol)
Kan idi naglingoy sa pinag-alian, idi makakaabot sa paidtunan. (Oas, West Miraya Bikol)
Su indi tataw makarumdom nung ginitan, indi makaabot sa adunan. (East Miraya Bikol)
Y tolay nga mar'rina ammu innan sit'aw iggina haggafu, eh marri iggina makakadde kang angyanan na. (Itawis)
Nan tagon hapun na ammu ilan nan marpowana, hapun met laeng makachatong hin ayanna. (Pasil Kalinga)
Yu di nikiling sa pinagalinan, di makaantos sa pupuntahan. (Buhinon Bikol; Autonym: Boienen)
Din adin mantuwili sin napoan na, adi makadateng sin emeyan na. (Kankanaey)
Nan tagun adi manguhdung hi nalpuwana ya adi ah'upan di ayana. (Batad Ifugao)


Ro uwa' gatan-aw sa anang ginhalinan hay indi makaabut sa anang ginapaeangpan. (Aklanon)
Kadtong dili molingi sa gigikanan, dili makaabot sa gipadulongan. (Cebuano)
An diri maaram lumingi han ginagi-an, di maulput ha ginkakadtuan. (Waray Waray)
Ang indi makahibalo magbalikid sa iya nga ginhalinan, indi makalab-ot sa iya padulungan. (Hiligaynon)
Ang indi kamaan magbalikid sa anang ginhalinan indi makaabot sa anang aragtonan. (Kinaray-a)
An diri maaram magkita sa ginhalian, diri makaabot sa pakadtoan. (Masbatenyo)
An dili maaram maglili sa ginhalian, dili makaabot sa iya kadtuan. (Buriasnon, Masbate)
Ang bukon ning ansyano magsiro sa ginghalinan, hay indi da makasampot sa iya ning pakadtoan. (Romblomanon)
Ang indî antigo maglingig sa ginhalinan, indî maka-abot sa pakadtu-an. (Cajidiocanon (Romblon))
Ka indi magsauli/magmuyat sa ginghalinan ay indi makaabot it ayuntaran/apagtuan. (Asi, Romblon)
Ang hindi magsuli sa ginghalinan ay hindi makaabot sa pagtoan. (Caltravanhon Romblomanon)
Ka daok mag muyat it idang inghalinan, indi makapadtoy sa idang apakadtoan. (Bantoanon1)
Kag tawong waya giruromroma it ida ginghalinan, indi makaabot sa ida apagtuan. (Bantoanon2)
Ang indi antigo maglingat sa guinghalinan di kaabot sa pakadtoan. (Sibuyanon)
Ang indi kausoy magbalid sa ginghalinan ay indi makaabot sa anang ayanan. (Inunhan, S. Tablas)


El hente ke no sabi mira donde ele estaba hinde ele pwede liga donde le anda. (Zamboangueño Chavacano)
Su taw a di makatadem sa nabpunan nin na di makasampay sa ebpawangan nin. (Magindanaon)
Tao mata taya mabiling su pubuakengnge taya dumanta su kadam tangi. (Sangil)
Tô dì sumérê katô igtikudan, dì makadunggù tun ta pasadunan. (Tagabawa Manobo)
So mga tao adi matao milay sa pip'hunan, ay di makauma sa p'sungan. (Iranun)
Ke etew ne kena edlilingey te impuun din ne kena ebpekeuma diya te edtamanan din. (Ilianen Manobo)
Ka otow no kono ogkatou to pogpitow to pigligkatan din, kono oglopow to ogdoogan din. (Langilan Manobo)
Iddos minuvu no konnod kotuig nod loingoy to id pomonan din, konna mandad od poko-uma riyon tod undiyonnan din. (Obo Manobo)
An dili molingi sa ija gigikanan dili makaabot sa ija pasingdan. (Surigaonon)
So mama a di nian katawan so poonan nian na di pakaoma ko sungan nian. (Maranao)
Ang tao nga di mangyat moatud hong gigikanan, di makaabot hong kadtoan. (Butuanon)
Yang utao nga di matigam mubalikid sa gigikanan, dili muaabot sa kakadtuan. (Mandaya)


Ang indi matakong bomalied ong pinagalinan, indi makabot ong palaningan. (Agutaynen)
Soysoy niya' pandoy ngantele' patulakan ne, niya' ta'abut katakkahan ne. (Jama Mapun)
Amu in di' maingat maglingi' pa bakas liyabayan niya, di' magsampay pa kadtuun niya. (Tausug)
Ang indi nakaelam ang anang ing alinan, indi na maelaman anang papakunan. (Palawano)
Anggai atao palengi ma katinnaan na anggai atekka ma lahatna. (Bangingi Bajao, Siasi)
Amba makatao palengi ma katannaan na amba takka ma lahatna. (Sibutu Bajao)
Ambal atao palengi ma katennaanna ambal atekka malahatna. (Bajao Laut)
Gai tau nganda mingga ka battad, gai takka ma patannanna harapingga ka. (Syamal)
Gey tau mayam sibukutan, gey tau tekka kaditaran. (Yakan1)
A'ahin bang ga'i tapikilne bang antag tagna'annen, ga'i ta'abutne papi:hannen. (Yakan2 [: = vowel length])
Dili an malam magblikid ta iya na alinan, dili makalambat ta iya na ilingan. (Kagayanen)


Nu di masulib a umidit du pinakayapoan na am makarapit ava anti du paypangayan na. (Ivasayen Ivatan)
Nu di makachideb du pinakayapuan na am makangay ava du panguanan na. (Isamurong Ivatan)
An sinoh o di masulib a umlinay du chinayapwan na am makarahpit alih du hayan na. (Itbayaten)


Ti unman madunong magbantay sa gininanan ay unman makaras-og sa kay paatabgan. (Hanunoo)
No yewed managuli sa rakayan, egbatay karateng sa pagtabuyan. (Alangan)
Ka idwa madunong eg takfili it nagfunan idwa dumasog hat bato lahawan. (Buhid)
No fuktaw hadwa bumontag idwan dasog at bato lawan. (Bangon)
Kung dapo katawanan agpangkit sa biyatangan dapo ka sa piyagpatanganan kalateng. (Tadyawan)
Ag nawod kamatang mamaliwi sa pauriyan ba nanawodtay ratong sa paunaan. (Iraya)

I found this in google.

giving statements

Posted: 13 Feb 2011 05:27 AM PST

hey friends
we are lisning many people giving there statements regarding improving our country
why cant we give them
here is mine
"give me some hands of supports i will make my India as a supreme power in the world"

come on ceans lets give our own statements

Do Google sell our personal information.

Posted: 13 Feb 2011 04:59 AM PST

Hello CEans. I found this information on some site. And I wanna share it with you.:)

How does Google know everything about you?
They don't.
Google only knows your public information (are you listed in the phone book?), what you put out there on the internet publicly, and what you tell Google directly via means of using one of Google's products (YouTube, Panoramio, Gmail, etc.) This means that for whatever you put out there on the public internet, Google can index indefinitely as long as it exists.
The Big Question however is: Does Google sell the data it indexes about you?
Short answer:
No (mostly).
Long answer:
The best way to explain this is by citing two specific Google products, Gmail and YouTube.

All emails you send and receive are machine-read in order to deliver what's called "relevant advertising" while using the Gmail product in the browser (meaning not IMAP or POP3). When the machine-reading reads specific words, be they in the subject line or body of the message, ads are displayed relevant to those words. For example, if you received an email with the word Florida in it, you'd probably see an ad about Disney World in Gmail. That's not coincidence.

When you sign up for YouTube you are prompted to enter in some demographic information (age, location, etc.) If you do this, the video ads you see on YouTube on specific videos may be specific to your demographic.

The Real Big Question is: Does showing relevant ads per your email content and/or demographic information count as your personal information being sold?

If you want to get really technical about it, yes – but barely, and I mean barely. Your information was indirectly keyword there) given to advertisers by means of Google's advertising system to deliver relevant advertising to you. However it is very important to point out that only Google knows what you gave them, and furthermore the advertisers that use Google's advertising system do not know you as a person unless you actually buy something from start to finish from click-through of the ad (ex: Click ad, hit is tracked, you buy product, you give company your info to buy the whatever-it-is, that data is recorded by the company you bought the product from).
Put in much simpler terms: Unless you actually clicked through the ad and bought something, you are nothing more than a demographic statistic. Google still knows what you gave them for personal info, but the advertisers that use the Google advertising system do not.

It also should be noted that if you don't click the ad, not even your demographic information is given out and are merely counted as a faceless, nameless "ad impression", and that's where the 'just barely' comes in concerning the sale of your personal information.


micro processors history

Posted: 13 Feb 2011 04:06 AM PST

hi friends,
i am here with my second concept here in this thread i came with the history of the micro processors
let us first know what is micro processor
microprocessor is an IC chip with the logics and it is known as heart of the computer
it was discovered in 1960's and 1970's
in 1971 intel designed its first processor called as 4004
it is a 4bit processor we can know it seeing its name 4004 it is a 4 bit
next motorolla and many companies came into existence and then due to competitions intel introduced its 8008 processor it is a 8 bit processor it was introduced around 1972
later 8008 was came into its decay by 8080 processor it is also a 8 bit processor with a good performance capacity and higher compability over 8008
next motorolla given its 6800 processor
next intel also given its 16 bit processors 8086 and 8085 here intel came with the x86 family with a high memory up to my knowledge 8086 has the 1Mb of storage and between many capacities of segments like stack etc.....,
later many processors came into existence and we are using 64 bit processors too like i3,i7 etc..,
with higher memory capabilities and with higher os running capabilities like windows7,vista,xp etc.......,

if i had made any mistakes correct me because i am still in the studying about processors and discuss about them in this thread
this thread is dedicated to discuss about microprocessors

Awesome Mechanical Designs

Posted: 12 Feb 2011 10:23 PM PST

Awesome mechanical engineering design in furniture. I love the concepts these guys have worked on.

If you've not seen the video yet, go through it -

Samsung Galaxy Tab II Official Photos

Posted: 12 Feb 2011 10:10 PM PST

People aren’t really willing to wait and the ‘leak’ game is going far. While we are just few hours away from the MWC at Barcelona, fresh new official photos of both Samsung Galaxy Tab II and Samsung Galaxy S II have been released. The technical specifications are exactly the same as we earlier covered. Official [...]


Need help with JSR-82 APl's

Posted: 12 Feb 2011 10:02 PM PST

Hello everyone!

I am a newbie, doing a mobile application project in java. I need to write a j2se server(pc) side code for bluetooth sonnectivity that implements obex protocol.

I faced problem with Bluecove-2.1.1.jar because i couldnt find bluecove_x64.dll file as my os is win 7 64 bit.

I have widcomm stack inbuilt in my laptop.

So, now moved on to Avetana jar. But i couldnt get any documentation about how to implement it.

Can anyone please help me ? It will be very helpful if someone gives me idea about how to implement it.

Thanks in advance!

Moving Fast: How We Built Facebook Platform

Posted: 12 Feb 2011 09:19 PM PST

Moving fast is one of our core values: Its how we constantly launch and improve our products. On the two-year anniversary of Facebook Platform, watch how the team behind it helped make the Web a more social place by enabling developers to build applications that had never been possible before.

Nokia Windows Mobile 7 Phones

Posted: 12 Feb 2011 09:17 PM PST

Engadget folks got following first photos of the Nokia phones that will be powered by Windows Mobile operating system


Connecting the World: How We Translated Facebook [Video Inside]

Posted: 12 Feb 2011 09:13 PM PST

Words from Facebook People: The people working at Facebook are constantly asked to tackle complicated problems on a large scale. Our approach to translating the site is just one example of what happens when you give people the power to think creatively.

BM BULAT- The Incredible Killing Machine

Posted: 12 Feb 2011 09:10 PM PST

What comes to our mind when we say an army? Yes you are right. They are the huge and giant army tanks that traverse your mind. They being the backbone of the defense of any nation, let us now try get a mandatory information about the tanks that are a vital force in protecting our [...]


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