Monday, February 14, 2011

CrazyEngineers Forum - Electrical & Electronics Engineering

CrazyEngineers Forum - Electrical & Electronics Engineering

MSEB to take note.

Posted: 14 Feb 2011 03:00 AM PST

i feel that the transmission level in maharashtra should be raised more. the transmission should be done at a higher voltage as done in MP. HV transmission will reduce the current and transmit the same amount of power because of increased voltage. this will reduce the copper losses. this will increase the transmission efficiency.:cool:

micro processors history

Posted: 13 Feb 2011 04:06 AM PST

hi friends,
i am here with my second concept here in this thread i came with the history of the micro processors
let us first know what is micro processor
microprocessor is an IC chip with the logics and it is known as heart of the computer
it was discovered in 1960's and 1970's
in 1971 intel designed its first processor called as 4004
it is a 4bit processor we can know it seeing its name 4004 it is a 4 bit
next motorolla and many companies came into existence and then due to competitions intel introduced its 8008 processor it is a 8 bit processor it was introduced around 1972
later 8008 was came into its decay by 8080 processor it is also a 8 bit processor with a good performance capacity and higher compability over 8008
next motorolla given its 6800 processor
next intel also given its 16 bit processors 8086 and 8085 here intel came with the x86 family with a high memory up to my knowledge 8086 has the 1Mb of storage and between many capacities of segments like stack etc.....,
later many processors came into existence and we are using 64 bit processors too like i3,i7 etc..,
with higher memory capabilities and with higher os running capabilities like windows7,vista,xp etc.......,

if i had made any mistakes correct me because i am still in the studying about processors and discuss about them in this thread
this thread is dedicated to discuss about microprocessors

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