Friday, January 21, 2011

CrazyEngineers Forum - Electrical & Electronics Engineering

CrazyEngineers Forum - Electrical & Electronics Engineering

Hire Reliable Electrical Engineers for Ensuring Safety

Posted: 21 Jan 2011 02:00 AM PST

Electricity can be very dangerous and therefore it is very essential to ensure that ones seeks the help of a professional to handle the electrical fixtures in his workplace or home. One should never take chances with repairing cable or do rewiring the home. It is always suggested to take the help of licensed electrical engineers for this purpose.

Even in case of a company it becomes the employer's duty to ensure complete safety for its employees; in fact companies have legal requirements which make it mandatory for them to ascertain that their employees are protected and safe. They have a specific standard to be met in order to ascertain that the work place meets the required standard level. Thus this makes the role of electric service providers very much significant. As a result the companies facilitating licensed electricians are very important in case of commercial, residential as well as industrial projects.

Electrical Engineer

vehicle anti collision system by distance monitoring

Posted: 20 Jan 2011 09:49 AM PST

My fyp title will be as shown above. Currently I'm still figuring out what kind of system to be used for my project. The idea seems really simple; at a certain speed, let say the rear vehicle is tailgating the front car at 100km/h and the distance between them is just a few meters, the system will triggered a warning system (by LED) that will warn the rear driver he is driving at a dangerous distance.

The safe distance determine by system will vary according to the speed of the car. If the car is traveling at lower speed ( <50 km/h), the safe distance can be closer compared to >100km/h

speed>100km/h distance between car>>
speed<100 km/h distance between car<<

i really need help,ideas from u guys..thank you very much

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