CrazyEngineers Forum |
- Blekko-the google killer
- Question regarding Forum.
- Steady flow test rig
- who was the winner?
- Robot that climbs in a rope
- Live GPS tracking for personal buddy
- hcl comnet
- Protect Accounts against Firesheep
- Google Instant for Mobile: Beta Version
- Using Adobe Flash on MacBook kills its battery faster
- Help with picking out a Phone?
- Engineers Without Borders - Making way for Change
- Robotix 2011 at IIT Kharagpur
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- System Programming/System Software Question Bank
Posted: 06 Nov 2010 02:05 PM PDT Don't blame me for the title. They are putting it in this way. Ppl do you really think they can kill google. I mean google is a lot bigger than just a search engine. Blekko - the new Google killer launched - Hindustan Times I guess it was launched a long time ago. I dont know if we have discussed it or not as i read about it today only. If yes then sorry for the post and if no then we can discus about it here.....:). |
Posted: 06 Nov 2010 02:05 PM PDT Most of the people have there own Forum and they work very hard to improve their forum. :) I am interested in knowing the way, how one can make money from the Forum or websites?? Well, most of the people just develop website or Forum as their interest in developing.. I am also one who loves to develop site for my interest rather caring or thinking about the money which can be made.. But I want to know, how to make money from website?? :) Please reply, if you know the answer.. THE_BIG_K tell me the answer.. :) |
Posted: 06 Nov 2010 11:34 AM PDT Hi guys, do you have any idea to design steady flow test rig for cylinder head? Do you guys have the relevant resources to share with me? Anyway, what is motored camshaft techniques? |
Posted: 06 Nov 2010 11:00 AM PDT sam was faster than jack.denise beat jim but lost to jack .who was the winner? |
Posted: 06 Nov 2010 08:52 AM PDT HI CEans!!! Could anyone help me in .... ..............How to build a robot that climbs in a rope !!!!!!:cool: Iam waiting for the response !!! <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<thanks in advance >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>:D |
Live GPS tracking for personal buddy Posted: 06 Nov 2010 07:34 AM PDT hello I need your help in my project it's a live GPS tracking for personal buddy and specified for human buddy so I want to make a device which will be with human and a control and tracking unit which will be with me to tracking and see where he going to. also I need to know some info about who I'm tracking? let say I have 10 people and I want to know which one I'm tracking know ? so I need to storage a data for everyone. some friends suggest to add some feature like you can integrate it with some circuit to show his Heartbeat,Temperature, ....etc so I need your help to choose best way to make it what I need ? GPS transmitter ? does it available ? do I need permission from government?.....etc thank you so much in advance |
Posted: 06 Nov 2010 06:50 AM PDT any one having info regarding company hcl comnet. i am btech fresher and got mail from their side for technical support non-voice job.. i want to know about selection procedure and quality of job role i.e technical support. |
Protect Accounts against Firesheep Posted: 06 Nov 2010 03:06 AM PDT Firesheep is an add-on for Firefox that can let anyone scan through open Wi-Fi network and steal account information of users. Account details of websites like Twitter, Facebook, Yelp, Hotmail and several others can easily accessed using this add-on. To protect your account details from getting hijacked by anyone. Here are some pointers shared by Butler to protect users in the simplest possible ways: 1) HTTPS-Everywhere Extension: Created by Electronics Frontier Foundation, this add-on makes the Firefox browser use only HTTPS (Secured) connection for certain websites. Unfortunately, this works only with definite list of websites only. 2) Force-TLS: Yet another Firefox extension that will let users to specify and create own list of domain names for forcing HTTPS requests. 3) Virtual Private Network: Using Virtual Private Networks could be an ideal solution for corporate environment and hardly for a home based user. These aren't the ultimate solutions that will serve the purpose of securing your account details being hijacked over open Wi-Fi. However, they do promise protection against snooping through Firesheep or similar tools. |
Google Instant for Mobile: Beta Version Posted: 06 Nov 2010 03:01 AM PDT Google Instant makes search faster by displaying not just predictions but actual search results as you type. This saves valuable time on a desktop browser. Google has made available the beta version to most iPhone and Android devices in the U.S. To try it out, go to in your phone's browser and tap the Google Instant "Turn on" link beneath the search box (if you don't see the "Turn on" link, try waiting a moment and then refresh the page). We will notice a big improvement in speed when we search thanks through this because of new AJAX and HTML5 implementation for mobile that dynamically updates the page with new results and eliminates the need to load a new page for each query. See a demo video here: Google Instant for mobile works best on 3G and WiFi networks, but since the quality of any wireless connection can fluctuate, we've made it easy to enable or disable Google Instant without ever leaving the page. Just tap the "Turn on" or "Turn off" link. |
Using Adobe Flash on MacBook kills its battery faster Posted: 06 Nov 2010 02:52 AM PDT As the Safari Web browser on MacBook has no support for Adobe Flash Player, we have to install the plug-in and surf around the web with pages that are loaded with Flash content. And when we do that, the battery dies out way faster. The reason Apple gave for not loading the Macbook with Adobe Flash was that they wanted users to download the latest version themselves. :cool: But it is pretty clear that Apple has absolutely no love for the Flash technology. It is not supported on their mobile platforms. And they'd rather not have it on their Macs too! |
Help with picking out a Phone? Posted: 06 Nov 2010 02:32 AM PDT Hello CEans. I need help with picking out a phone. The features i need are: MP3 player!(must have great/good quality earphones/sound quality) Video (3gp or mp4) player Bluetooth (of course) Java 3G enabled(optional) 2MP+ camera with vid recording Must run softwares (like Pdf reader, divx player, etc) Budget= 7k-10k Brands preferred : Nokia, SE.. Another question, is mircomax any good? i heard that it has many features but the interface isnt as good as nokia's.. Thanks -Sam :) |
Engineers Without Borders - Making way for Change Posted: 06 Nov 2010 02:07 AM PDT Recently while reading I came across the work of non-governmental organization called: 'Engineers Without Borders' This organization is based on engineering and is oriented towards international development work. All of these groups work to serve the needs of disadvantaged communities and people all over the world through engineering solutions. Until now, following different projects have been taken up in India alone. Rasoolpura Slum Development Project at Hyderabad EWB-India Hyderabad Chapter in partnership with an NGO, Bhumi, has decided to undertake slum improvement work, starting with a pilot project at Rasoolpura, situated in the heart of the city. An open sewage canal passes right across the slum and overspills into the houses each time there is a heavy downpour. The canal also carries toxic pollutants from a nearby industrial area. Lack of proper sanitation and hygiene are additional causes of many diseases prevailing in the area. Due to the high level of poverty a large percentage of children are engaged in child labour. Solar Power Plant for Rural School KRUSHI is a home for children, who are housed, educated and integrated with the main stream of the society. It is a project of “Association Saikorian - an Alumni Association of the Students of Sainik School, Korukonda, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India. It is a registered society, head quartered at Hyderabad. It is planned to install a solar power plant to meet the electric power needs of this residential school for children from low income families near Hyderabad. This is being taken up by a team of consultants and several EWB-India Professional Members, working for Infotech. Mobile Bio-Solartech Unit for Water Purification Briquette technology is simple to understand and implement. It is emerging as a popular area for Small Enterprises. EWB- India aims to train NGO’s and other similar groups in a knowledge sharing exercise for widespread use of this technology and establishment of micro-enterprises. We are also researching ways in which an efficient and effective Briquette Technology Kit can be developed and delivered to include bio-coagulants in their portfolio in the battle against unsafe water and child mortality amongst the poorest of the poor. |
Posted: 06 Nov 2010 01:38 AM PDT I saw the news in a poster at College about the Robotix Event that is going to be held in IIT in coming January. Following is some information about this event: Robotix is Asia's largest college level robotics fest held in IIT Kharagpur during its techno-management fest Kshitij from 28th-31st Jan 2011. Robotix 2010 was a success with a participation from over 450 teams with over 2.5 lakhs worth prize money being distributed. Robotix is said to return in 2011 with more challenging events and over 3 lakhs to be given away in prize money. These are the events for ROBOTIX 2011: Pirate Bay - A manual event that takes you right into the pirates' playground. Through the course of three exciting rounds, the bot will have to traverse through different type of terrains, climb inclines and release dummies that are "pirates". RoboCop - An outdoor image processing robotics event where participants compete to build a fully automated robot that acts as a law enforcer. R.A.F.T - An event that seeks solutions to the major challenge that is flood relief.The task is to build a manually controlled robot or a group of robots which can navigate a raft on water and retrieve people marooned. The Negotiators - This event requires the participant to write and submit a computer program, which will be pitted against programs written by two other participants in a game of negotiation. The Fugitives - Build multiple autonomous robots that catch and disable the "fugitive robots" moving randomly through the arena. Ballista - Build an autonomous robot capable of detecting and shooting projectiles avoiding any detection by the enemy. |
List of Technical/Technology Forums Posted: 06 Nov 2010 01:32 AM PDT Many of our members are a part of different kinds of technological forums. I would like you all to share with us the the other technology forums that you are a part of. If possible, do specify a reason for it too. :) |
System Programming/System Software Question Bank Posted: 06 Nov 2010 12:58 AM PDT Following is the list of the repeatedly asked questions on System Programming. UNIT I Q-1.1 Draw and explain the general machine structure? Q-1.2 What do you mean by system programming? Explain the components of system programming. Q-1.3 Explain the terms: i.) Assembler ii) Microprocessor iii) Compiler iv) Interpreter v) Cross compiler vi) Loader Q-1.4 Answer the following:- i) Why should we use base register, index register and displacement format for the formation of address? ii) Why the technique address modification using instruction as data is a bad programming technique? iii) Give the difference between BALR and USING, DC and EQU. iv) Why is it better to use LTORG pseudo OP before the DC and DS pseudo OP? Explain. Q-1.5 Explain operating system user viewpoint as batch control language. Q-1.6 Explain the different functions of operating system? UNIT-II Q-2.1. Give the databases used by pass-1 and pass-2 of assembler. Q-2.2. Draw and explain the detailed flowchart for pass-2 of a two-pass assembler. Q-2.3. Explain the problems faced by a one-pass assembler. Q-2.4. Explain in detail with a suitable example, the formats and contents of databases used in assembler design. Q-2.5. List different instruction format for IBM 360/370 machine with example. Q-2.6 What is the difference between:- i) Procedure and program ii) Traffic Controller and Scheduler Open Subroutine and Closed Subroutine. Q-2.7 Explain the problems faced by a one-pass assembler. How can we overcome with the problems faced by the one pass assembler? Q-2.8 Explain with example different data formats of IBM 360/370 system.? Q-2.9 Define the following i) Execution time. ii) Compile time. Q-2.10 Explain the meaning of following instruction of IBM 360.BALR, EQU, LTORG, DC, DS. What restrictions are enforced on assembler while processing LTORG, DS, DC instructions. UNIT-III Q-3.1 Give the entries in symbol table, literal table, and base table at the end of pass-1 and pass-2 of the assembler. Also give the code at the end of each pass PROG 1 START 0 BALR 15,0 USING *,15 LR 5,15 LH 1,DAT1 USING *,10 BR 14 DAT 2 DC F'11' DAT 1 DC H'22' TRS DC H'22' BCK DS F AA EQU 1 DD EQU 2 BALR 2,0 USING *+ AA,TRS LA 7,=A(BCK) BR 6 DC H'64' DROP D L 9,A(DAT 1) A 9,=A(DAT1) LTORG ST 9,=F'400' END Q-2.2 Write a machine language program to add the contents of 20 adjacent full words in memory to the number 50 under following set of assumptions 1) The program is in core at absolute location 48 2) The 20 adjacent full words are starting at absolute location 900 3) The number 50 to be added is at absolute location 896 3) The number 20 is at absolute location 892 4) Register No. 1 contains 900 Q-3.3 for the following assembly program show :- i) The MDT ii) The MNT and The expanded assembly language program. MACRO STORE & ANS ST 1,& ANS MEND MACRO PERFORM & ADD, & DEST SR 1,1 MACRO & ADD &A, &B L 1,& A A 1, & B MEND &DEST DS F MEND ARITH START 0 USING *, 15 PERFORM PLUS,RESULT PLUS NUM1,NUM2 STORE RESULT NUM1 DC F '4' NUM2 DC F '5' END Q-3.4 Explain Macro call within macro definition with suitable example. Q-3.5 Draw flow charts for macro call within macro.Also explain it. Q-3.6 Define macro and explain the features of macro facility provide by the macro language of IBM 360/370. Q-3.7 Give the database required for the two pass microprocessor. UNIT IV Q-4.1 Explain absolute loader scheme with its advantages and disadvantages. Q-4.2 What are different loading schemes ? Explain with example. Q-4.3 What do you mean by dynamic loading ? Q-4.4 Explain the use of MDLC and MDI in the algorithm for single pass macro definition within macro. Q-4.5 Give the entries in MNT, ALA and DMT for the following definition and call:- MACRO OPRTN & macnm, &op MACRO & macnm &A, &B L 1, &A &OP 1, &B ST 1,&B MEND MEND : . DATA 1 DC F '10' DATE 2 DC F '11' DATA 3 DC F '20' : OPRTN ADD A OPRTN SUN S : ADD DATA1, DATA2 : SUB DATA1, DATA3 : END Q-4.7 Explain the different functions of loader. Q-4.8 Give the various data structures in the design of pass-1 and pass-2 of a Two-pass direct linking loader. Q-4.9 Different loading scheme. Q-4.10 Write short notes on i) Dynamic Loading ii) Dynamic Linking UNIT V Q-5.1 Explain functional modularity of programming language. Q-5.2 Give general model of compiler. Q-5.3 Describe in brief features of high level language. Q-5.4 Give details about ESD,TXT,RLD and END cards. Q-5.5 Explain in brief i) GEST ii) LESA Q-5.6 Write short notes on Asynchronous operation. Q-5.7 Explain the following address constants i) Absolute ii) Simple re-locatable Complex re-locatable. Q-5.8 Consider the following program segments PG 1 START ENTRY SYM 11 EXTRN PG 2, SYM 23 DC A(PGA), A(PGB + 4) SYM 11 DC A(SYM 11-PG 1), (SYM 23 PG 2) END PG 2 START ENTRY SYM 23 EXTRN PG 1, SYM 11 SYM 21 DC A(SYM 11-2),A(SYM 21) SYM 22 DC A(PG 2+4),A(SYM 21 PG 2) SYM 23 DC A(SYM 21 PG 1) END Assume these two programs are to be loaded starting at location 200 in order PG 1 and PG 2. Fill the GEST for each symbol. Also give the ESD and RLD card entries for the above program segments. Q-5.9 Explain in brief the advantages of using high level languages over that of Assembly languages. Q-5.10 Explain what do you mean by functional modularity of programming languages. Q-5.11 Write short note on Asynchronous operation. UNIT VI Q-6.1 What are the differences between:- i) Passes and Phases of compiler ii) Syntax analysis and Semantic analysis Tokens and Uniform symbol. Q-6.2 Explain in detail the phases of compiler. Q-6.3 Explain the following terms and differentiates between. i) Phase and pass. ii) Multitasking and multiprogramming. Q-6.4 Give the important features of higher level language. Q-6.5 Explain what do you mean by functional modularity of programming languages. Q-6.6 Explain in brief the advantages of using high level languages over that of assembly languages. Q-6.7 Write short note on Asynchronous operation. Q-6.8 What is the difference between:- i) Passes and phases of compiler ii) Syntax analysis and semantic analysis Tokens and Uniform symbol. Q-6.9 Explain in detail the phases of compiler. Q-6.10 Explain in brief the advantages of using high level languages over that of Assembly languages. Q-6.11 Explain what do you mean by functional modularity of programming languages. Q-6.12 Write short note on Asynchronous operation. Q-6.13 Explain the parameter passing mechanisms in High level languages. Q-6.14 Explain in detail phases of compiler. Q-6.15 Describe in brief features of high level language. Q-6.16 Explain in detail phases of compiler. |
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