Monday, October 11, 2010

CrazyEngineers Forum

CrazyEngineers Forum

Wonderful new ipad app for electronics engineers

Posted: 11 Oct 2010 01:45 PM PDT

OHMpad is a Ohm's Law calculator that uses segmented controls, keypad style entry, and is SI unit aware. It has became my favorite for the ipad so far - OhmPad for iPad on the iTunes App Store

Designing a Television!

Posted: 11 Oct 2010 11:41 AM PDT

Yes, I want to design a television in this way.

I have a screen a big screen in fact in a single hall.

The Television should have the capability of showing "N" number of channels depending on the angle we view the Television.
So we consider the number to be 10 and 10 people view the television from 10 different angles they watch 10 different channels and the TV should have wire less transmission capacity such that if people use head sets they should be able to listen their respective channel.

This is just an idea I got it today , please let me know if this already exists! or any ideas of trying this!!

Designing an Electric Bike

Posted: 11 Oct 2010 11:37 AM PDT

I was repairing my bike! I tried to connect motor to the back tyre and see how it is rotating!
With a proper shaft I am sure it runs well. But today I failed to connect it properly.

So here I have an idea to develop a Electric Bike Altogether!
I guess there are Electric Bikes already still I want to give it a try!

Now ,I am just thinking of the necessary components for that!

I actually want to design something small , I mean of smaller size as a prototype!

So here goes my list of necessary items,

1. Starting Circuit.
2. Stopping Circuit.
3. Speed Control.
4. Sudden Brake. (Disk Brake :mrgreen:)
5. Acceleration.
6. Battery and power saving.

So tell me your ideas on this!!

Ultimate Presentation Ideas for (BSC/BCA/CS/Computer Engineering)

Posted: 11 Oct 2010 08:13 AM PDT

Seen lot of people giving project ideas so i thought i can contribute little by giving presentation ideas (which is a byproduct of project)
Being my first post in the forum i admit there is still scope for improvement and i will try to update the thread with more interesting content.

When you are giving presentation in front of your professors and colleagues,they don't usually throw tomatoes or pound their shoes on the table in response to a boring presentation.
However they don't listen and adapt different way of protest .Unfortunately one among your audience is happens to be your professor.
Their protest later reflects in your mark sheet and you end up saying ohh shit....

I guess this is when you should really think How to make my presentation eye catchy and interesting?

Well It has helped me a lot as most of my presentations talks alot than me.:D
So i though why shouldn't i hide them from you.

Here goes some of my work.(Most of the works are done for my students and i think the best are yet to be included :hap5:)

In following presentation i have created a funny mascot to explain Phishing techniques employed by hackers.

Its better if you add some humor like below.

I made it using Microsoft Power Point and photoshop for one of my naughty student.
Later i came to know that she has got lot of good feedback and marks too .:hap2::hap2:
I would like to recommend such presentation as they let audience think whats next ?
This adds into their attention especially when they are already bombarded with traditional presentations of your colleagues.

In next presentation i tried to do things differently .
I tried to add feeling of watching a presentation and surfing through web at a same time.

This is how i managed to do this.

People like the look and feel and to add they were all giving attentions because of different look and feel .

In the next slides i used flash and photoshop together to create stunning presentation.

I have created a simple mascot in flash and let her talk throughout the presentation.

I would like to recommend it for lazy people .:P:P:P

Well I know you will come to know the truth by yourself when you try to make one in flash.......:ohyeah::ohyeah::ohyeah:

Few words :
Say No to FEAR

Questions like below are nightmares of most of IT students.
What if i forget something?
What if i will not able to answer the questions?
What if i appear nervous ?
What if building collides ? :)

I will say stop worrying about things that are yet to happen and start giving your level best.

Its a Question Time:

Well, i somehow managed to give a presentation. here comes the tough part .

Its like tradition. where they force you travel into black hole with questions you never thought can be asked.

To ease the process see if following helps.
1)Just try to avoid questionnaire by saying thank you all for listening ...hope you liked the presentation... and silently leave the stage.
2)If whatever said above is not applicable and the question is really tough .
Admit you don't know the answer and if possible offer to get back to the questioner with the answer (Make sure you do this (thanks to google) otherwise He/She will never forget it until the next presentation of yours :) ).
More on this will be updated as time goes by...

Customized presentation according to your need will be done as i get time.However i would like if you get the idea and build on yourself .I m here to modify it if necessary.....:)

Samsung Bada Partners With Social Gaming Startup 'Scoreloop'

Posted: 11 Oct 2010 07:41 AM PDT

The latest mobile operating system from Samsung called 'Bada' has partnered with Social Gaming SDK provider Scoreloop.


Scoreloop will provide the SDK to its network of over 3,000 developers.

The native Scoreloop bada SDK will allow developers to integrate with social networks like MySpace and Facebook, include engaging features like online leaderboards, cross promotions and player challenges, and monetize through in-game currency purchases. Scoreloop will also include a games discovery app on Samsung bada devices that will feature games built off of the social gaming platform.

Considering that Bada is not nearly as large of a platform for developers as Android and iOS platforms, Scoreloop's deal probably won't bring in a flux of new developers and games. But Scoreloop's CEO Marc Gumpinger tells me the partnership could turn into much more for the startup. Gumpinger says the company is working on moving into the connected television world, and will soon allow developers to create customized apps for web-connected TVs, including Samsung devices. An existing relationship with Samsung, says Gumpinger, will certainly help the company reach this goal.
Source: Scoreloop Brings Social Gaming SDK To Samsung’s Bada Platform

MS Windows Phone 7 Released! It's All About Personalization!

Posted: 11 Oct 2010 07:39 AM PDT

Microsoft has finally revealed the much awaited Windows Phone 7 today.


When you first get the phone, the stuff that's more obvious makes you smile," says Andy Lees, Microsoft's Mobile Communications Business president. On the phone's Start screen, "live tiles" show users real-time content, such as social media updates and contacts. "The features sort of scream out at you," says Lees. "But the other thing that is even deeper for me is the elegance of the experience, which you only appreciate if you've used the phone for some time."

Source: Windows Phone 7: A Fresh Start for the Smartphone: The phone delivers a new user experience by integrating the things users really want to do, creating a balance between getting work done and having fun.

You know you are an Engineer if

Posted: 11 Oct 2010 05:18 AM PDT

Choosing between buying flowers for your wife and upgrading your RAM is
a problem.

You take a cruise so you can go on a personal tour of the engine room.
In college, you thought Spring Break was metal fatigue failure.

The salespeople at the local computer store can't answer any of your

At an air show, you know how fast the skydivers are falling.

For your wife's birthday you gave her a new CD-ROM drive or a Palm

You can quote scenes from any Monty Python movie.

You can type 70 words per minute but you can't read your own

You comment to your wife that her straight hair is nice and parallel.

You sit backwards on Disney rides so you can see how they do the special

You have saved every power cord from all your broken appliances.

You have more friends on the Internet than in real life.

Why are Engineers crazy?

Posted: 11 Oct 2010 05:16 AM PDT

Q: When does a person decide to become an engineer?
A: When he/she realizes he/she doesn't have the charisma to be an

Q: How can you tell an extroverted engineer?
A: When he talks to you, he looks at your shoes instead of his own.

Q: Why did the engineers cross the road?
A: Because they looked in the file, and that's what they did last year.

Q: How do you drive an engineer completely insane?
A: Tie him to a chair, stand in front of him, and fold a road map the wrong way.

Add more.. ;)

uBuntu 10.10 Installer Stuck: Solution!

Posted: 11 Oct 2010 12:18 AM PDT


I downloaded the latest 10.10 release of uBuntu and had a hard time installing it. The installer got stuck at about 80% and just showed "Ready when you are..." message on the installer.

The fix is really simple and stupid. The 'username' SHOULD not have any capital letter! Surprisingly, uBuntu installer did not show the correct error message and I had to browse tons of pages to find this fix!

Just make sure that the username you're entering is all lowercase letters and you'll do fine with the installer.

Anyone else's got problems? Post them here.

What about the other 3-bits in flag register ?

Posted: 10 Oct 2010 06:32 PM PDT

Actually i have a silly doubt,
As we know our intel microprocessor have 5 flags and 1-bit space is alloted for each flag.
Flag register we are going to use is of 8-bits so 5-bits are used for the 5 different types of flag signal but But what about the other 3 bits ??
How these other 3 bits are used ??


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