Thursday, October 7, 2010

CrazyEngineers Forum

CrazyEngineers Forum

Any simple project on oscillator! (for beginner)

Posted: 07 Oct 2010 12:43 PM PDT

can any one help me to find out any project on oscillator can be done for begineers in the project field....

problem in opening hmail server

Posted: 07 Oct 2010 11:05 AM PDT

Hi friends!!

I have installed hmail server in my lappy..I wasn't able to open the hmail server administrator to create a domain.While trying to open i get a error as mscorworks.dll could not be loaded..what should i do for that??

Hi from a SE turned EE

Posted: 07 Oct 2010 10:20 AM PDT

I stick to the basics... This is my first post here... :cool:...

Name: Ranganath

Engineering Trade: Electrical

Location: Hyderabad

Occupation: Working as an SSE for Wipro technologies

Work Experience: 4 years

Hobbies & Interests: Social Networking, computer games..Started discovering things on the net recently, Electronics..

Aim in life: Taking life as it comes... Time's over for me to aim something now...hehehe...Let me learn something here atleast...

I joined CrazyEngineers because: Who said FB is big...why not CE ?:D

Creating Strong Password

Posted: 07 Oct 2010 09:49 AM PDT

If have problems creating and remembering passwords then this video is for you,

Common Reasons for Hard drive Crash

Posted: 07 Oct 2010 09:33 AM PDT

How HDD will get crashed??

Do We Need New Smilies?

Posted: 07 Oct 2010 08:42 AM PDT


I am thinking about replacing our most common smilies with new ones. Here's what I've -

Not all of the smilies will be included, but the most common ones like :) , :D , :( , :| can be replaced.

What's your take?

Hello from a future EE!

Posted: 07 Oct 2010 08:37 AM PDT

Hello everyone my name is Colby. Im 20 years old and a senior at Devry university in Kansas City, Missouri. I am graduating in June, and cannot wait to get into the field. I developed an interest in electronics as a kid, playing with RC cars. I would take them apart and play with the motors. I also really enjoy computers, cars, and gaming. I plan to graduate and get a job with embedded systems, hopefully doing C/C++ programming. Right now I work as a laptop technician for Panasonics national service center here in Leawood, Kansas. We service the Panasonic Toughbook line of laptops.

I look forward to searching though the threads for help and getting to know a few professionals that can give me some advice. Thanks!

automata builder

Posted: 07 Oct 2010 08:22 AM PDT


I am looking for a package/ toolkit
that can build Finite state automata
from the event sequence I have. I dont
have much programming knowledge to do this.
Hence if there is a package that takes the
event sequnce as input and build a FS automata
and give it as output, then it would be
of great use to me. Kindly suggest if you know

You can also view the above one as constructing
regular expression from sequence of alphabets.


Load Balancing algorithm using Java

Posted: 07 Oct 2010 07:51 AM PDT

I want to development an application which will be used for load balancing of an image processing server.
I want to development a middleware which passes the client requests to any of server, its a server-client type application.
Thank you.

robot gun

Posted: 07 Oct 2010 05:14 AM PDT

ceans i saw some videos in youtube in which a tanker kind of robot can fire a pintball or a small wepon kind of thing. the question is how can a gun or what ever its name is :confused: be installed wirelessly on a robot?

going green

Posted: 07 Oct 2010 04:45 AM PDT

guys as the global warming is increasing how are you taking steps to measure it?

i myself control the electric usage and we have planted 32 plants in my house and a few trees in the locality.

i would love to know what have you done about this and take a few ideas and implement from them.

Help With Mechanical Final Year Project

Posted: 07 Oct 2010 04:40 AM PDT

Am a final year mech engg guy i need some guidance about my project

I am from Pakistan

Posted: 07 Oct 2010 01:56 AM PDT

I am from Pakistan doing Computer Systems Engineering... while searching for a project I came across CrazyEngineers forum and I loved it.... its a great help here to discuss technical stuff so we can understand more clearly....

Apart from this I do Website Designing and also doing social media marketing... Proud to be a member of CE family.

What did Facebook announce on Wednesday?

Posted: 07 Oct 2010 12:39 AM PDT

"What we're trying to do here is build a social platform. That's very different from building a social application," Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg said in the press conference.

New Groups

First of all, you can't just arbitrarily join a group--another member has to invite you. Membership is limited to 250 people at this point. New features include collaborative documents, photo and video sharing, and the ability to invite all members of a group to an event. There's also live group chat, a product that also aimed to revolutionize intimate group communication and collaboration but ultimately was a complete flop. Groups can have e-mail addresses assigned to them too, which Facebook says can only be e-mailed by e-mail addresses that match up to Facebook accounts that are in the group.

Download Information: Backup

This permits Facebook members to download into a ZIP file a complete archive of everything that they have uploaded to Facebook: profile data, photos and videos, wall posts, notes, comments, friend lists, etc. This file is then kept on the member's hard drive but can only be accessed through a strict system of passwords, e-mail address verification, and even Captchas.

Third Party Application Dashboard

The company now has a dashboard for managing which applications you're connected to and which data permissions have been granted to them. There's also a log of what data has been accessed by each application.

Electricity Man!!

Posted: 07 Oct 2010 12:32 AM PDT

Check This out!!
Amazing!! :p

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